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2024-06-07 16:42:02 - Popcount walks: next, previous, toward and nearest.
2024-06-06 07:16:03

Unipotent quantum coordinate ring and cominuscule prefundamental representations
Il-Seung Jang, Jae-Hoon Kwon, Euiyong Park

2024-06-08 08:19:03

How many people you know took a plane to their holidays this year?
2024-06-08 03:23:05

On Website Technicals (2023-03) - Tech updates: reducing storage writes from logging, slow random. -
2024-06-10 15:03:35

The GÉANT Annual Report 2023 is published today, at the start of #TNC24 week.
GÉANT CEO Erik Huizer @… : “These are just some of the highlights from our busy year and you will find a lot more information in this Annual Report.”

GÉANT Annual Report 2023
2024-06-13 03:16:08

Sources: Indian rapid grocery delivery startup Zepto plans to raise ~$650M co-led by Nexus and StepStone at a valuation of $3.5B, up from $1.4B in August 2023 (Moneycontrol)
2024-06-08 18:35:32

Why am I not surprised?
2024-06-13 03:16:08

Sources: Indian rapid grocery delivery startup Zepto plans to raise ~$650M co-led by Nexus and StepStone at a valuation of $3.5B, up from $1.4B in August 2023 (Moneycontrol)
2024-06-08 02:54:24

Back in the 70s and 80s people used to say "Kids are growing up so much faster these days"
I have no idea if it was true back then.
but people just keep saying it, despite the fact that in 2023 it's plain as day that the opposite is true.
2024-06-10 08:46:30

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2024-06-10 06:53:49

Sliding Window 3-Objective Pareto Optimization for Problems with Chance Constraints
Frank Neumann, Carsten Witt
2024-06-14 07:05:53

Heute vor 1 Jahren: Am 14. Juni 2023 erklärte der belarussische Präsident Aleksander Lukaschenko in einem Fernsehinterview mit dem russischen Staatssender Russia-1, dass #Belarus, wie am 25.03.23 durch Putin angekündigt, #Kernwaffen von Russland erhalten habe.

Treffen des von Russland geführten Militärbündnisses Organisation des Vertrags über kollektive Sicherheit (OVKS) am 16. Mai 2022 in Moskau
Lizenz: CC BY 4.0
2024-06-10 08:59:24

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