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2024-03-16 12:35:46

Bain: Indian startups raised $9.6B in 2023, down from $25.7B in 2022; over 35K Indian startups shut down in 2023 and leading startups laid off 20,000 employees (The Economic Times)
2024-03-16 17:15:06

On the Importance of #RFCs in #Programming
2024-03-15 00:51:01

More Counties Saw Population Gains in 2023 (
2024-03-16 16:14:26

#Savannah is crazy this weekend. I'm staying clear of it.
2024-03-15 21:22:26

Lecker 😱 Die #Arktis und #Antarktis sind nicht vor Verschmutzung durch #Mikroplastik sicher. Eine Studie zeigt, dass 13 Seevogelarten von 1983 bis 2023 Mikroplastik verschluckt haben. Am häufigste…
2024-03-15 15:02:26

Apologies due to Dan Quinn, former Cowboys DC does like LBs
2024-03-15 06:22:37

Now is the time of monsters
AI is killing the old web, and the new web struggles to be born - The Verge
2024-03-14 16:09:05

I appreciate news orgs doing this sort of “here’s the big picture” reporting:
This isn’t breaking news. This is seeing the forest instead of runn…

Graph showing US electricity generation by fuel type: coal, natural gas, nuclear, and renewables. Coal is by far the largest in 2010, but declines steadily and in 2023 dipped below nuclear to become the lowest. Natural gas has been rising, and is now the leader. Renewables have also been rising, but at a slower pace.
2024-03-15 07:26:17

Decay of Correlations via induced Weak Gibbs Markov maps for non-H\"{o}lder observables
Asad Ullah, Helder Vilarinho
2024-03-12 19:51:40

A fine concert from Chilly Gonzales (Paris, 2023).
2024-03-10 22:55:26

Leichtman: the largest pay TV providers in the US ended 2023 with about 71.3M subscribers, losing ~5M subscribers YoY, and down from 91.5M at the end of 2018 (Lucas Manfredi/The Wrap)
2024-05-14 02:35:55

AI startups in the Bay Area raised $27B in 2023, more than 50% of global AI funding, up from $14B in 2022 when the region accounted for 29% of all AI funding (Gené Teare/Crunchbase News)
2024-05-14 13:45:26

Dump Him! Starring Minnie Mills 💔🎙️👤
Dramatized rom-com | By day Ruby might be your average college sophomore, but by night she’s Venus Rising—the radio love expert dispensing advice to lovelorn undergrads. Facing cancellation due to a lack of interest, Ruby/Venus starts breaking up all the power couples on campus, one bad piece of ...
2024-03-05 14:01:26

International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants for Russian military commanders:
2024-03-09 08:26:01

Bikkelharde conclusie van Michael Barnard over #waterstof voor transport in de EU:
"The conclusions, if they weren’t being written by organizations which are so committed to hydrogen that they can no longer recognize flashing red warning lights or hear 110 decibel sirens, should be that the EU should stop funding hydrogen for transportation efforts because it doesn’t work. Instea…
2024-03-14 16:54:26

Dallas Cowboys: Analyst Has 1 Creative Solution to Team’s Offensive Line Dilemma
2024-04-09 22:54:26
2024-03-09 23:42:28

According to the FBI, the US suffered a record loss of $12.5 billion due to online crime in 2023.
2024-03-26 13:21:00

Amazon zieht 7 Millionen gefälschte Produkte aus dem Verkehr
Mehrere Millionen gefälschte Produkte hat der Onlinehandelsriese Amazon 2023 von seiner Seite genommen. Mit KI versucht die Firma, Markenpiraterie einzudämmen.
2024-03-26 16:35:16

Tipps zur Passwortsicherheit

British nuclear site Sellafield to be prosecuted for cybersecurity failures
The United Kingdom’s independent nuclear safety regulator has announced that it will be 🔸prosecuting the company managing the Sellafield nuclear site🔸 over💥 “alleged information technology security offenses during a four year period between 2019 and early 2023.”💥
It is not clear whether senior managers at the state-owned Sellafield Ltd. will face charges.
Under the Nuclear Industries Security Regul…
2024-03-11 22:07:26

Raiders, Gardner Minshew reach agreement, creating QB competition
2024-02-16 08:41:19

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-03-12 07:24:26

A New Mechanism For Generating Type-III Radiation From The Sun
Forrest Mozer, Oleksiy Agapitos, Stuart Bale, Keith Goetz, Vladimir Krasnoselskikh, Marc Pulupa, Konrad Sauer, Andrii Voshchepinets
2024-03-13 07:23:23

A Science4Peace initiative: Alleviating the consequences of sanctions in international scientific cooperation
A. Ali, M. Barone, S. Brentjes, D. Britzger, M. Dittmar, T. Ekel\"of, J. Ellis, S. Fonseca de Souza, A. Glazov, A. V. Gritsan, R. Hoffmann, H. Jung, M. Klein, V. Klyukhin, V. Korbel, P. Kokkas, P. Kostka, U. Langenegger, J. List, N. Raicevic, A. Rostovtsev, A. Sabio Vera, M. Spiro, G. Tonelli, P. van Mechelen, J. Vigen
2024-03-29 12:26:21

Using ARIA over native HTML equivalents is not bad, but it does create more work for authors. More places to go wrong. More need for attention to detail.
Frankly, none of you (nor me) are that good.
2024-03-14 20:14:45

The Titans bought Tony Pollard's stock at the perfect time and here's why
2024-03-25 10:00:26

Je kunt het qua beleidskeuzes erg oneens zijn met het vorige kabinet maar financieel gezien hebben Wopke en Kaag het prima achtergelaten blijkt ook nu weer. Maar ik vrees dat de PVV daar geen dankbaarheid voor gaat uitspreken. 😀…

Dalende schuldquote overheid
2024-04-05 22:53:26

Today I learned Minneapolis' bikeshare system, Nice Ride, shut down last year. We complain about how expensive the SF system (also run by Lyft) has gotten, but maybe we're lucky to have one at all? Ouch. #BikeTooter
2024-03-26 14:00:56

Don’t be stupid, people. Get vaccinated, and vaccinate your kids. Vaccines are one of the great gifts of modernity, and all who are eligible should get vaccinated.
2024-03-27 01:37:59

Vinyl sales have been growing steadily for the last 17 years now. Vinyl is pricier and far more profitable raking in $1.4 billion compared to $537 million from CDs.
"Vinyl records outsell CDs for the second year running"
2024-03-26 12:02:00

heise | Hilfe bei der Steuer: WISO Steuer 2024 für Apple-Geräte im Test
WISO baut die mobilen Plattformen aus und bietet auf iPhone und iPad nun den gleichen Funktionsumfang wie auf dem Mac.
2024-03-19 20:00:03

"Germany's emissions fell by record 10.1% in 2023: How are they cleaning up their act?"
#Germany #Emissions
2024-03-25 14:29:02

In Vorbereitung auf den CSD dieses Jahr habe Ich meine Truppe dazu gebracht das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz 2.0 zu lesen, ein Vorschlag geschrieben von Trans- und Nichtbinären Personen mit dem Ziel tatsächlich für das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung zu sorgen.
Wir wollen Unterschiede zum bisher von der Ampel-Regierung vorgeschlagenen Selbstbestimmungsgesetz finden, sowie die Vort…

Ein Bild vom Selbstbestimmumgsgesetz 2.0 wie es ausgedruckt auf einem Tisch liegt.
2024-03-31 17:06:24

'A recent survey found that 18% of Americans left their religion and are now religiously unaffiliated between the years of 2013 and 2023. Of those 18%, nearly half cited anti-LGBTQ sentiment within their prior religion as a reason for leaving.
The survey found that over a quarter (26%) of Americans now identify as religiously unaffiliated'
A lot of people are leaving their religions. Anti-LGBTQ sentiment is a driving force. - LGBTQ Nation
2024-02-23 15:47:53

Crypto en 2023
Alors que j’organisais mes nombreuses notes et références pour ce billet “Crypto en 2023” (qui au final sera réparti sur 4 billets au moins…), après m’être penché sur le “whataboutism” dans un billet précédent et sur une analys…

Web3 en 2023
"categorally reject the entire space of crypto assets" - Stephen Diehl
2024-03-01 09:37:23

Chile, 1973: eyewitness testimony.
Voz IX: ‘I watched as bonfires of books and papers were burned’ | Latin America Bureau
2024-03-25 22:20:57

Weil die #UDV gerade Horrorszenarien um 0 schwer verletzte und 0 getötete Kinder, die in Lastenrädern transportiert wurden, aufbaut, hier:…
2024-03-26 18:02:09

Sean McVay had ‘a sense’ all year that 2023 would be Aaron Donald’s last season
2024-03-30 16:33:27

Pressetelefon der #LetzteGeneration überwacht. Journalist:innen im gesamten Bundesgebiet betroffen. Sie haben jetzt Schreiben von der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft München bekommen.
Das Bild unten ist von einem #SlowWalk am 26.06.2023, als das gerade bekannt geworden war. Jetzt wissen die betroffenen Journalist*innen auch, dass sie Opfer dieser Überwachung geworden sind.
#Pressefreiheit .
2024-02-27 23:13:04

Lobbying by the Big Borrow Checker is real:
2024-03-21 18:56:26

i like this article from november last year, in the run up to the ITU world radiocommunication conference, about the increasingly firm plans to abolish the leap second
2024-03-28 14:53:26

Another awesome #ArabStrap song, with a video halfway towards a Mike Flanagan movie.
2024-05-02 20:46:54

I’m reviewing the 2023 State of the #Climate report
I am just struck again (yes - intellectually I knew this) that my teen kids’ whole lives have only been hottest years.
It’s scary.
ERA5 (European reanalysis dataset version 5) top-ten Temperature anomaly years
Rank Year Global_Temperature_anomaly (℃) vs 1991-2020 baseline
1 2023 0.60
2 2016 0.44
3 2020 0.43
4 2019 0.40
5 2017 0.34
6 2022 0.30
7 2021 0.27
8 2018 0.26
9 2015 0.26
10 2010 0.13
2024-03-26 04:37:21
2024-05-03 02:05:26

A look at 2023 media CEO pay amid industry contraction: Charter CEO Chris Winfrey, $89M; Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel, $84M; WBD CEO David Zaslav, $49.7M; and more (Jill Goldsmith/Deadline)
2024-02-26 11:00:01

Dplyr 1.1.0 changed how joins are working: #rstats
2024-03-26 01:15:24

Die ePetition 158806 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Bemessungsgrundlage in der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung mit dem Titel
Honorierung berufsbegleitender Abschlüsse mit zusätzlichen Rentenpunkten
kann nur noch heute mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 60 Mitzeichnende. Nach Ende der Mitzeichnungsfrist wird die Petition von einem MdB im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags bearbeitet und entschieden werden. Sollte bis zum Ende der Mitzeichnunungsfrist das Quorum erreicht werden…
2024-04-03 04:55:48

Newzoo: PC and console game revenues grew 2.6% YoY to $93.5B in 2023, but average quarterly playtime hours fell 26% from Q1 2021 through Q4 2023 (Dean Takahashi/VentureBeat)
2024-03-26 15:42:19

If you see me standing in line at the supermarket and I listen to this, I am calm, but in my mind, I am flamenco clapping above my head and dancing between the shelves.
Quëreles - MËSTIZA - Album (2023)

British nuclear site Sellafield to be prosecuted for cybersecurity failures
The United Kingdom’s independent nuclear safety regulator has announced that it will be 🔸prosecuting the company managing the Sellafield nuclear site🔸 over💥 “alleged information technology security offenses during a four year period between 2019 and early 2023.”💥
It is not clear whether senior managers at the state-owned Sellafield Ltd. will face charges.
Under the Nuclear Industries Security Regul…
2024-04-26 09:58:03

Hm, der Tab mit der Liste "Bad Oeynhausen und Umgebung" zeigt mir in den letzten 24 Stunden 2 Beiträge an und dann eine Lücke bis zum 03.08.2023 😮
In der Zwischenzeit haben die Menschen auf der Liste definitiv was gepostet. Das ist einfach verschwunden. Cache gelöscht, neu angemeldet. Sieht putzig aus.
CC @…
2024-03-12 07:24:26

A New Mechanism For Generating Type-III Radiation From The Sun
Forrest Mozer, Oleksiy Agapitos, Stuart Bale, Keith Goetz, Vladimir Krasnoselskikh, Marc Pulupa, Konrad Sauer, Andrii Voshchepinets
2024-03-25 13:42:11

Spotify durduk yerde bunu önerdi, çok iyiymiş....
2024-03-10 22:41:26

Raiders Re-Signing C Andre James To Three-Year, $24M Deal
2024-04-03 06:47:56

A Lightweight Security Solution for Mitigation of Hatchetman Attack in RPL-based 6LoWPAN
Girish Sharma, Jyoti Grover, Abhishek Verma
2024-03-07 06:55:26

On the mod $k$ chromatic index of graphs
Oothan Nweit, Daqing Yang<…
2024-03-28 15:45:30

Ukrainische Wirtschaft um mehr als fünf Prozent gewachsen
Nach einem Einbruch im Vorjahr ist die ukrainische Wirtschaft 2023 auf niedrigem Niveau wieder gewachsen - trotz des russischen Krieges gegen das Land. Das Wirtschaftswachstum habe nach vorläufigen Angaben preisbereinigt 5,3 Prozent betragen, teilte das Statistikamt in Kiew mit. Die Wirtschaftsleistung habe sich dabei zu aktuellen Preisen umgerechnet auf etwas über 154 …
2024-03-25 17:59:27

Schock für Berliner: Bleibt die U6 noch bis 2026 gesperrt?
Seit November 2023 fahren nach Alt-Tegel keine U-Bahn. Nun mehren sich die Anzeichen, dass es noch lange so weiter geht.…
2024-03-28 14:53:26

Another awesome #ArabStrap song, with a video halfway towards a Mike Flanagan movie.
2024-04-03 01:40:17

Traffic deaths declined in 2023, but distracted driving remains a danger
#RealEstate #UrbanDevelopment #SmartCitiesDive
2024-03-19 14:26:24

Dit bericht lijkt me binnen mijn tijmlijn overbodig, of is er hier nog iemand die niet weet dat 2023 het warmste jaar ooit gemeten was of dat we wat het klimaat betreft in alarmfase ‘ROOD’ verkeren. Graag uw vinger opsteken, dan hak ik hem even voor u af
‘Red alert’: last year was hottest on record by clear margin, says UN report
2024-02-26 02:41:03

What I have been reading today
Well "Head Over Heels" 2023 has not a lot of reading material - it is pictures - by some of US most appreciated photographers and all of two of the most beautiful people in Hollywood. The book weighs in at 2kg - and I nearly didn't check it out of the library due to its size and weight.
Ian McEwan's "Sweet Tooth" 2012 is set in England in the 1970's an era that I lived through. He is a brilliant writer and worth catc…
2024-03-26 18:40:23

Next: Part I of the Bill Hodges trilogy from Stephen King, Mr Mercedes [2014]!
I already read The Outsider without knowing that it's a spin-off from this series - so I'm very looking forward to those three Kings :)))! Aaaaaand there is a second spin-off from 2023 so lots of [probably] good books waiting for me. 🥳
2024-05-03 18:41:26

Lode a RedLine, il RE degli Infostealer! Infetta un dispositivo su due attaccato da uno stealer
Lode a RedLine, il RE degli Infostealer! Infetta un dispositivo su due attaccato da uno …
2024-03-12 16:10:26

Cowboys Re-Signing LS Trent Sieg
2024-05-03 08:10:26

Deutschland macht Fortschritte beim Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien, bleibt jedoch hinter den Zielen bei der #Windenergie zurück. Bisher wurden lediglich 0,7 von geplanten 6,9 Gigawatt #Windkraftleistung realisiert. Im Gegensatz dazu erfüllte die
2024-03-26 02:05:25

Ampere Analysis: the BBC greenlit 129 of the 256 scripted TV shows in the UK in 2023, as production cuts mainly impacted cheaper-to-produce unscripted programs (Max Goldbart/Deadline)
2024-03-30 16:33:27

Pressetelefon der #LetzteGeneration überwacht. Journalist:innen im gesamten Bundesgebiet betroffen. Sie haben jetzt Schreiben von der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft München bekommen.
Das Bild unten ist von einem #SlowWalk am 26.06.2023, als das gerade bekannt geworden war. Jetzt wissen die betroffenen Journalist*innen auch, dass sie Opfer dieser Überwachung geworden sind.
#Pressefreiheit .
2024-03-21 18:56:26

i like this article from november last year, in the run up to the ITU world radiocommunication conference, about the increasingly firm plans to abolish the leap second
2024-03-10 21:21:07

Raiders Re-Signing C Andre James
2024-03-07 06:55:26

On the mod $k$ chromatic index of graphs
Oothan Nweit, Daqing Yang<…
2024-03-25 17:59:27

Schock für Berliner: Bleibt die U6 noch bis 2026 gesperrt?
Seit November 2023 fahren nach Alt-Tegel keine U-Bahn. Nun mehren sich die Anzeichen, dass es noch lange so weiter geht.…
2024-03-27 14:40:33

A survey of 10,133 US adults: 43% of those aged 18-29 used ChatGPT in February 2024, up from 33% in July 2023, compared to 27% of 30-49 and 23% of all adults (Colleen McClain/Pew Research Center)…
2024-03-28 14:53:26

Another awesome #ArabStrap song, with a video halfway towards a Mike Flanagan movie.
2024-03-11 18:25:22

Reports: Commanders to sign DE Dorance Armstrong, C Tyler Biadasz
2024-03-26 18:52:28
2024-03-20 17:21:15

Würde Volker #Wissing nicht Gesetze brechen und stattdessen seinen Pflichten nachkommen, hätte er zumindest einen Plan, wie er seinen Linie - die graue - unter die gesetzliche Ziellinie - die blaue - bekommt.

Grafik zeigt die Treibhausgasemissionen im Verkehrssektor zwischen 2020 und 2023 mit dem Ist-Wert und dem maximal zulässigen Wert.

Kurz vor 2021 steigt die Linie des Ist-Werts über die Linie des maximal zulässigen Werts. Danach steigen die Ist-Werte an, die Kurve der zulässigen Werte fällt weiter ab.

Quelle der Grafik ist die Allianz pro Schiene, Datengrundlage stammt vom Umweltbundesamt
2024-04-01 14:35:24

Filing: Donald Trump's Truth Social lost $58M on $4.1M in revenue during 2023; Trump Media & Technology Group is valued at $7B after going public on March 26 (Dan Primack/Axios)<…
2024-03-26 00:05:50

Memo: Microsoft names Pavan Davuluri as its Windows and Surface chief; Microsoft had split the Windows and Surface groups after Panos Panay left in Sept. 2023 (Tom Warren/The Verge)
2024-03-11 18:44:51

Commanders Signing C Tyler Biadasz For Three Years, $30M
2024-03-26 13:50:27

Bertelsmann reports 2023 revenue down 0.4% YoY to €20.2B, meeting est., profit up 26% YoY to €1.3B, and lowers its 2026 outlook, as it slims down its business (Reuters)
2024-03-31 18:25:46

Demis Hassabis says the AI hype caused by a surge of money is clouding research; CB Insights: VCs invested $42.5B in 2,500 AI startup equity rounds in 2023 (John Thornhill/Financial Times)
2024-03-26 18:52:28
2024-03-26 16:57:09
@… @…

Rebentar e descascar 5 ou 10 centímetros de gelo jš mal colado ao chão é um dos pequenos prazeres da vida.
2024-03-07 21:26:46

Three potential landing spots for former Broncos Pro Bowl safety
2024-03-11 18:25:22

Reports: RB Tony Pollard agrees to deal with Titans
2024-02-22 19:20:44

Ein weiterer Beleg dafür, warum #Außerirdische uns nicht besuchen:
"Bilanz der #Wärmeerzeugnisse 2023: Ölboom statt #Wärmepumpe
Der Absatz von Öl-Wärmee…
2024-03-26 13:50:27

Bertelsmann reports 2023 revenue down 0.4% YoY to €20.2B, meeting est., profit up 26% YoY to €1.3B, and lowers its 2026 outlook, as it slims down its business (Reuters)
2024-03-30 04:55:43

Several legal experts say Section 230 will not protect firms from lawsuits over the outputs of generative AI, echoing SCOTUS Justice Gorsuch's 2023 statement (Christopher Mims/Wall Street Journal)
2024-03-26 16:57:09
@… @…

Rebentar e descascar 5 ou 10 centímetros de gelo jš mal colado ao chão é um dos pequenos prazeres da vida.
2024-05-10 19:11:03

Raiders Sign Third-Round OT Delmar Glaze
2024-03-30 08:35:39

Inside LAION-5B, an AI training dataset of 5B images that has been unavailable for download after researchers found 3,000 instances of CSAM in December 2023 (Knowing Machines)
2024-03-25 13:50:33

Crypto exchange CommEX, which bought Binance's former Russian operations in September 2023, plans to shut down its website on May 10, 2024 (Camomile Shumba/CoinDesk)
2024-03-29 19:50:54

Filings from 2023 list Jacob Vespers as OpenAI Startup Fund's manager; OpenAI says "Vespers does not exist" and the docs are "fabricated", without elaborating (Darius Rafieyan/Business Insider)
2024-05-04 21:20:26

Warren Buffett says Berkshire sold its entire Paramount stake and "lost quite a bit of money"; Berkshire owned 63.3M shares of Paramount as of the end of 2023 (Yun Li/CNBC)
2024-03-26 13:58:34

NFL owners vote to modify kickoff rules in hopes of reviving play’s relevance
2024-05-04 21:20:26

Warren Buffett says Berkshire sold its entire Paramount stake and "lost quite a bit of money"; Berkshire owned 63.3M shares of Paramount as of the end of 2023 (Yun Li/CNBC)
2024-03-26 17:22:05

Shoulder surgeries continue disappointing career starts of Cowboys' Smith, Schoonmaker
2024-02-26 01:20:28

While Netflix is profitable in South Korea, local rivals Tving and Wavve lost a combined ~$165M in 2023 and are reportedly in talks to merge (Bloomberg)