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2024-06-05 03:51:06

Switzerland-based Neural Concept, whose 3D product design software uses deep learning to help cut development times, raised a $27M Series B led by Forestay (Mike Butcher/TechCrunch)
2024-05-06 04:38:59

“I have invented a random number generator that companies put into everything. Banks might use it to generate your account balance. Doctors might use it to choose prescription strengths. My random number generator is inevitable. Society will have to navigate it.”
2024-05-06 03:54:10

Update from Ukraine | USA will help Ukraine to strike Ruzzia in 2025 | Revenge is coming:
2024-06-04 14:52:10

Opioid and Asbestos Billionaires’ Make Political Donations to Dodge Justice
2024-06-04 19:43:03

2024-06-05 08:03:00

Sonderheft c't Linux-Guide: Jetzt im Handel erhältlich
Das c’t-Sonderheft hilft beim Umstieg auf Linux, enthält ausführliche Praxisartikel und erklärt Hintergründe.
2024-06-04 16:09:05

My weekly photo-essay at the blog Balloon Juice.
2024-06-04 14:55:09

The Republican House has established a Piggy Bank for members of Congress. They can claim tens of thousands of dollars in expenses without itemizing them or providing receipts.
Guess which Congressman has grabbed the most money.
2024-06-06 03:30:33

Sources: Costco plans to stop selling books regularly at US stores year-round from January 2025, and will instead sell them during the holiday shopping period (New York Times)
2024-06-06 00:06:51

An emission-state-switching radio transient with a 54-minute period: #NeutronStar breaks all the rules: - most collapsed stars fully rotate in seconds. This one takes nearly an hour.
2024-06-06 03:34:56

wow, my thermoregulation is *fucked*
2024-06-04 12:01:35

🎉 New Kitten feature: Markdown pages
You can now create files and use front matter to specify a layout template as well as any other props you want to pass to your layout.
(I’m working on the Kitten web site with docs, etc., so I thought I’d bite the bullet and add this feature this morning to make my life easier. Should make it easier to make this sort of site with Kitten in the future for everyone.)

Screenshot of screen with editor open on left with Markdown source with front matter and the same page rendered using the layout template specified (which has a Kitten face logo, navigation, styles, etc.) in a browser on the right.

Source visible in editor:

layout: ../Tutorials.layout.js
pageId: hello-world
title: Static HTML
Let’s quickly create and test your first “Hello, world!” Kitten site.

1. Create a directory for the example and enter it:
   mkdir kitten-playgr…
2024-06-06 03:30:06

Important on Trump being let off the hook:
Republicans flaunt election law, because Republicans break the FEC by denying it a majority.
"foreign nationals and gov'ts have willfully manipulated our elections..."
And the FEC does nothing.
2024-04-05 03:32:06

Started to put together a replacement for the Godot Text editing experience, taking some layout ideas from Xcode and Swift Playgrounds:
Left, my iPad UI; Right the existing Godot UI on Mac:
2024-06-04 17:35:03

Nerdiges zu Location Trackern aka AirTags & Co.
"Who tracks the trackers? Balancing privacy and stalker detection for Apple's AirTags" bei der "Real World Crypto" (RWC 2024) im März.
2024-06-04 20:41:46

I did all my work, it's 22:40, #Destiny2 #FinalShape is out and I can't get in and have to head to bed in an hour or two :(
2024-06-06 05:03:55

Guten Morgen!
Heute mal wieder wieder auf Recherche mit 🚂 und 🚲. Auf nach Würzburg!

Ein Zugfenster, dahinter Wiese, Bäume, Nebel
2024-06-06 02:52:04

2024-06-06 06:28:41

when people talk about #accelerationism, they usually mean that the world *feels* faster due to digitalisation.
But at the same time, there are plenty of phenomena that *actually are* happening very quickly out there in the physical world. And those might be much more dangerous... #birdflu
2024-05-06 05:03:21

チョコボール チョコボール
2024-06-04 12:03:32

Grandpa no!!! 🐶
2024-04-06 04:54:34

'It's real': Study suggests thousands of West Australians are suffering long-term COVID symptoms
"Researchers say more support is needed for patients suffering from long-term illness associated with a COVID-19 infection, with new data showing a large number of West Australians have been left unable to work due to their crippling symptoms. "
2024-04-05 19:26:36

"For the first time in 15 years, there are no self-made billionaires under the age of 30"
2024-06-06 03:46:41

¡Que eNvidia deben sentir en Apple! :KEKW:
Nvidia supera a Apple y se convierte en la segunda mayor empresa del mundo
2024-06-04 15:01:14

Amazing visualization by NYT what Ukraine has lost. (Giftlink)
2024-06-04 23:03:05

Absolutely disqualifying that Peskin is supporting this. Every progressive group in the city should tell him to get lost. No endorsement or endorse Safai if he stays neutral/opposes it.
2024-06-05 11:46:50

Court denies plaintiff's request for an asset freeze in a (non-Schedule A) trademark & trade secret case.
REBECCA BAMBERGER WORKS, LLC v. REBECCA BAMBERGER, No. 3:24-cv-00706, 2024 WL 2805323, at *20 (S.D. Cal. May 31, 2024).
#Remedies #AssetFreezeDenied

BIG Bank Account Freeze
Plaintiffs also request that the Court freeze BIG’s bank accounts. In a trademark infringement case, district courts have the inherent power to freeze an alleged infringer’s assets to preserve their ability to grant an accounting of the defendant’s profits later in the litigation. Reebok Int’l, Ltd. v. Marnatech Enterprises, Inc., 970 F.2d 552, 559 (9th Cir. 1992). District courts should carefully exercise their discretion in so doing, however, and may deny an asset free…
2024-06-06 03:47:17

I don't really understand the criticism of the sets on #acolyte. They all seems good and cool to me.
2024-06-06 06:57:38

Der Automarkt stagniert, der EV Anteil auch, sagt Sigrid de Vries vom ACEA Verband.
2024-06-06 00:37:25

Teddi is Queen Of The Three-Quarter Sploot #SheReallyDoesHave4Legs #DogsOfMastodon

iPhone photo of our chonky dark brown & white pibble mix wearing her hot pink collar, lying on the brown wood floor with three legs out & one leg hidden underneath her
2024-06-05 10:06:10

How Black Americans' refusals of injustice have shaped our national story - Los Angeles Times
2024-06-04 19:53:56

The one factor that would suddenly make machine learning 40% worse at Nethack
2024-06-06 09:00:55

Daily Inspiration: "Don't be yesterday's vibe" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Today's post is short and to the point, because I've got a 6 AM call with KPMG Dublin to talk about the keynote I'll do for them in just over a week.
And then I've got a 7 am tee time!
Here's the thing that I know about the work that I do - as a futurist, I see a lot of people who get left behind.
Don't let that happen.
Here's how.

2024-06-06 03:35:35

Mistral introduces AI model customization options, including an SDK for fine-tuning its models on workstations, servers, and small data center nodes (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
2024-05-06 04:38:59

“I have invented a random number generator that companies put into everything. Banks might use it to generate your account balance. Doctors might use it to choose prescription strengths. My random number generator is inevitable. Society will have to navigate it.”
2024-06-04 14:37:22

MAGA Supreme Court Justices: America’s Untouchable Royalty
2024-06-04 13:03:00

KI-Update kompakt: G-Assist, Stable Diffusion 3, Datenminimierung, Wandern
Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.
2024-06-06 03:13:00

I think I was annoyed

This extension uses the YoWASP WaveDrom package to ensure that diagrams are rendered exactly the same as in the WaveDrom editor, without having to follow a decision tree for configuration, without requiring any additional tools to be installed on the system used to build documentation, without requiring any native dependencies to be installed on that system, without requiring JavaScript for browsing documentation, and without slowing down the Sphinx build process. It also reports syntax and sem…
2024-05-06 05:13:35

Russia attacks 6 communities in Sumy Oblast:
2024-06-04 13:50:29

The WSJ introduced a multimillion-dollar brand advertising campaign on June 3, its first major brand campaign in years, focused on broadening subscriber appeal (Sara Fischer/Axios)
2024-06-06 00:27:37

TESS Giants Transiting Giants - A Low-density Hot Neptune Orbiting a Red Giant Star: #planets evolve.
2024-06-04 12:08:25

Wenn webEX jemals Authentifikation via Gesichtserkennung einführt, dann nur um @… rauszuhalten.
2024-06-06 01:52:05

2024-06-06 03:35:35

Mistral introduces AI model customization options, including an SDK for fine-tuning its models on workstations, servers, and small data center nodes (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
2024-06-04 16:39:46

Does your employer reimburse you for thousands of dollars of “expenses” without asking for receipts? Congratulations! You are a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
2024-04-05 03:34:43

While I might not have been selected for WWDC, I have reached the same conclusion as the Fox, those grapes were sour.
2024-06-05 10:03:11

Die Ariane 6 soll am 9. Juli starten:
2024-05-05 15:43:03

Weiß nicht, aber ob Erklärungen da helfen? Blöd, dass die Politik sonst gar keine Möglichkeiten hat.
Nach Angriff auf SPD-Politiker in Dresden: Mehr als hundert Politiker unterzeichnen Erklärung gegen Gewalt
2024-06-06 06:55:01

Certainly I'm the only one using a bicycle to go to a #carsymposium.
2024-06-04 18:16:24
Content warning: , all purpose flour...
2024-06-06 00:37:25

Teddi is Queen Of The Three-Quarter Sploot #SheReallyDoesHave4Legs #DogsOfMastodon

iPhone photo of our chonky dark brown & white pibble mix wearing her hot pink collar, lying on the brown wood floor with three legs out & one leg hidden underneath her
2024-06-04 19:53:56

The one factor that would suddenly make machine learning 40% worse at Nethack
2024-04-06 03:20:23

I'm supposed to be writing an assignment about Corbett and naval strategy. So of course I'm reading up on Douhet and aerial strategy 🙄
Stupid #adhd
2024-06-04 16:14:03

Elastisches Skelett verhilft Roboter zu Riesensprüngen
Roboter Tumro kann 40-mal so hoch springen, wie er selbst groß ist. Die Sprungenergie stammt aus einem elastischen Skelett.
2024-05-06 07:08:08

Air Force: Ukraine downs 12 Russian drones overnight:
2024-06-04 20:41:46

I did all my work, it's 22:40, #Destiny2 #FinalShape is out and I can't get in and have to head to bed in an hour or two :(
2024-06-06 01:45:27

2024-06-05 03:28:47

Haven’t heard about Apple’s eye sweat band in a while.
When they announce they’re “fully committed to spatial computing” we’ll know that they will cancel it soon.
2024-06-06 02:35:38

Google will store Maps Timeline data locally on users' devices instead of their Google account starting December 1, after announcing the change in December 2023 (Emma Roth/The Verge)
2024-05-06 03:04:24

> The Mongol army under Genghis killed millions of people, but his conquests also facilitated heightened commercial and cultural exchange over an unprecedented geographical area.
drunk driving might kill a lot of people but
2024-04-05 15:48:07

Shady grifter can’t come up with bond money; gets other shady grifter to pretend he has the money; New York is unimpressed.
2024-05-06 08:22:58

Russian attacks across Ukraine kill 2, injure 27 over past day:
2024-05-06 06:52:00

Threads erlaubt mehr Kontrolle über "Quote Posts"
Nicht wenige meinen, dass die Möglichkeit, Beiträge zu zitieren, die Atmosphäre auf Twitter vergiftet hat. Die Alternativen wie Threads wollen es besser machen.
2024-06-04 12:08:25

Wenn webEX jemals Authentifikation via Gesichtserkennung einführt, dann nur um @… rauszuhalten.
2024-06-05 20:03:33

Looks like the attorney has a beef with the prosecutor

Before the jury was seated Tuesday, Adam Fee, one of Bob Menendez's attorneys, argued that prosecutors were unfairly attempting to paint the May 2019 dinner as something malign - as co-conspirators plotting their crimes. According to Fee, the senator was a regular at the steakhouse, going there 250 nights out of the year.
2024-06-06 02:05:36

Brazil-based Kanastra, which supplies back-office technology for asset-backed securities funds, raised a $21M Series A led by Kaszek, following a $13M seed (Daniel Cancel/Bloomberg)
2024-06-05 23:57:25

RPGツクールがNintendo Switch にも出てたのか。知らなかった。
2024-05-06 07:48:13

Russia claims 6 killed, 35 injured in drone attack on Belgorod Oblast:
2024-05-06 06:48:00

"Helldivers 2": Sony streicht nach Shitstorm die Account-Pflicht
Pläne für eine nachgereichte Account-Pflicht haben Spieler von "Helldivers 2" verärgert. Nach massiver Kritik zieht Sony sie nun zurück.
2024-06-06 03:15:59

Sources detail how Apple fell behind in the AI race due to its AI team struggling to collaborate with other product teams, lacking computing resources, and more (Aaron Tilley/Wall Street Journal)
2024-05-05 18:03:08

I think this is an important post for anyone with a #retrocomputing hobby.
You can’t just hide behind the nostalgia without seeing the big picture. It’s not healthy.
2024-06-05 23:34:59

Wordle 1,083 6/6
2024-05-06 09:47:10

General Staff: Russia has lost 475,300 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-06-06 03:15:59

Sources detail how Apple fell behind in the AI race due to its AI team struggling to collaborate with other product teams, lacking computing resources, and more (Aaron Tilley/Wall Street Journal)
2024-05-06 10:18:00

Anschubhilfe für komplexes Leben? Erdmagnetfeld im Ediacarium schwach wie nie
Vor etwa 550 Millionen Jahren sind komplexe Lebewesen auf der Erde aufgetaucht. Ursächlich könnte ein besonders schwaches Magnetfeld gewesen sein.
2024-05-06 07:08:10

Top Congress Democrat says 'Pro-Putin faction' of Republicans stalled Ukraine aid:
2024-06-05 01:15:55

Pika, which offers AI tools to generate and edit videos, raised $80M from Spark, Lightspeed, and others at a $470M valuation, taking its total funding to $135M (Gerrit De Vynck/Washington Post)
2024-05-06 09:57:04

Die Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), testete kürzlich einen Prototyp der Manta-Ray-Drohne, die in Form eines riesigen Stachelrochens gebaut ist, vor der Küste Kaliforniens.
Zum Artikel:

Auf dem Bild sieht man im Meer eine riesige Unterwasserdrohne in Form eines Stachelrochens. In der Überschrift steht "US-Militär testet riesige Stachelrochen-Unterwasserdrohne".
2024-05-06 08:22:54

Italian defense minister calls for truce in Ukraine, peace negotiations with Russia:
2024-05-06 09:42:00

Telekom stellt Telefonauskunft ein
Immer weniger Menschen rufen die Telefonauskunft der Telekom an. Zum Ende des Jahres stellt sie den Betrieb ein.
2024-05-06 08:22:56

Military Intelligence: Ukraine destroys Russian fast attack craft in occupied Crimea:
2024-06-05 02:35:46

Twelve Labs, which provides foundational models to help users search and analyze troves of video, raised a $50M Series A co-led by NEA and Nvidia's NVentures (Saritha Rai/Bloomberg)
2024-05-06 08:55:00

Studie: Enzyme aus Darmbakterien könnten Weg zu universellem Spenderblut ebnen​
Forscher haben mithilfe von bakteriellen Enzymen erfolgreich die Blutgruppen-Antigene von Erythrozyten entfernt und sprechen von Universalblut.
2024-06-05 03:16:08

Former OpenAI researcher Leopold Aschenbrenner says he was fired in April for sharing a memo raising concerns about OpenAI's security practices with the board (Shakeel Hashim/Transformer)
2024-05-05 23:16:16

Russian forces attack energy infrastructure in Sumy Oblast:
2024-05-06 08:47:00

ARD und ZDF wollen ihren Streaming-Code als Open Source anbieten
ARD und ZDF wollen den Code für ihre Streaming-Mediatheken auf eine gemeinsame Basis stellen. Teile davon sollen zudem frei verfügbar werden.
2024-06-05 01:50:56

Sources: some Chinese AI chip companies, including MetaX and Enflame, are submitting less powerful GPU designs to TSMC to comply with US sanctions (Fanny Potkin/Reuters)
2024-05-05 23:16:16

Russian forces attack energy infrastructure in Sumy Oblast:
2024-05-06 08:42:00

Instagram ersetzt kopierte Inhalte durch Originale
Kopierten Inhalten geht es bei Instagram an den Kragen. Sie werden ersetzt und nicht mehr vorgeschlagen. Außerdem gibt es neue Sticker.
2024-05-05 23:16:14

Media: Chinese leader wants to work with international community to end war in Ukraine:
2024-05-06 08:05:00

NASA plant Livestream: Boeings Starliner vor erstem Flug mit Crew zur ISS
Zweimal war der Starliner von Boeing schon im All, aber immer ohne Crew. In der Nacht zu Dienstag soll das Raumschiff von Boeing nun erstmals bemannt abheben.
2024-05-05 21:31:57

Bluesky confirms Jack Dorsey's departure from its board and says it is searching for a new board member (Anthony Ha/TechCrunch)
2024-05-05 23:16:14

Media: Chinese leader wants to work with international community to end war in Ukraine:
2024-05-06 05:49:47

Microsoft gibt auf und wird keine automatische Lösung mehr für den lästigen 0x80070643-Update-Fehler anbieten. 😞
Zum Artikel:

Im Hintergrund ist ein Laptop mit einer Windows Oberfläche zu sehen. In der Überschrift steht “Microsoft hat keine automatische Lösung für 0x80070643-Update-Fehler geplant."
2024-05-05 23:55:40

Over 40K Audible books are marked as having been made with an AI "virtual voice", saving authors hundreds or thousands of dollars per title on narration costs (Ashley Carman/Bloomberg)
2024-05-05 20:53:38

Frontline Situation Report – April 2024:
2024-04-05 06:03:00

Last Call: Vom Einsteiger zum Profi in C – mit 5 Webinaren der heise academy
Ab dem 15. April lernen Sie die drei wichtigsten Programmier-Paradigmen für C -Entwickler kennen: funktionale, generische und objektorientierte Programmierung.
2024-05-06 02:10:30

The EU's crackdown on Huawei shows an EU-wide TikTok ban will likely take years of diplomacy, as the bloc lacks a formal say over national security concerns (Pieter Haeck/Politico)
2024-05-05 20:53:38

Frontline Situation Report – April 2024:
2024-04-06 03:16:04

Court filings from FTC lawsuit against Meta show Instagram made $32.4B in ad revenue in 2021, which is more than YouTube's $28.8B in ad revenue that year (Peter Kafka/Business Insider)