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2024-06-19 00:19:04

Canada hits Russia with new sanctions for Navalny's death, human rights violations:
2024-06-19 04:06:03

Frachtschiff nach Angriff durch die Huthi gesunken.
Ein Seemann wohl tot, die anderen wurden evakuiert.
Die Tutor war von einem ferngelenkten Boot mit Bombe getroffen worden.
M/V Tutor Sinks After Houthi Attack in Red Sea
2024-06-19 00:25:26

#Africa now emits more carbon dioxide than it absorbs
The latest data compiled by the Global Change Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg shows that the continent now emits more greenhouse gases than it absorbs.
In only nine years between 2010 and 2019, Africa has turned from being a net carbon sink, to being a net carbon source.

Graphs 2000-2009 & 2010-2019

"Summarising the key components of the African Carbon Cycle and their change over the first two decades of this century. Anthropogenic activities such as fossil fuel burning and agricultural activities release carbon dioxide and other GHGs into the atmosphere. Some of this carbon gets taken up again through ecological processes such as weathering and plant growth, so the net amount accumulating in the atmosphere is often less than the anthropogenic sources. Arrows …
2024-06-19 00:56:53

Phew, I nearly forgot to check for updates on #endeavouros - It's only been an hour or two since I last checked.
(I use Arch btw) #linux
2024-06-19 04:02:13

Lindroid Promises True Linux on Android
Lindroid Promises True Linux on Android Since Android uses Linux, you’d think it would be easier to run Linux apps on your Android phone or tabl…
2024-06-19 00:04:40
Content warning: Puzzles

Puzzle #374
2024-06-19 03:39:57

Awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama in 2015, Willie Mays left his fans with countless memories. But a single feat served to capture his magic -- one so untoppable it was simply called “The Catch.”
2024-06-19 00:23:32

Tracking the Apple BTC T&C US and SG sites for changes…
Still predicting it’ll be out tomorrow.
#Apple #BackToSchool
2024-06-19 01:00:17

Période : jusqu’Š 05h45
Dates : du mardi 04 juin au samedi 06 juillet, sauf le 22 juin et les dimanches et lundis. Les deux premiers trains de Saint-Nom la Bretèche vers Saint-Cloud sont supprimés. Voici le détail des trains supprimés :
- 04h52 de Saint-Nom la Bretèche vers Saint-Cloud. - 05h22de Saint-Nom la Bretèche vers Saint-Cloud.
Un service de bus de remplacement est mis en place entre Saint-Nom la Bretèche et Saint-Cloud, avec desserte des gares intermédiaires.
2024-06-19 00:04:40
Content warning: Puzzles

Puzzle #374
2024-06-19 00:06:15

Programming Robots is Hard, Figuring out How to Make it Easier is Harder
Programming Robots is Hard, Figuring out How to Make it Easier is Harder [Benjie Holson] is an experienced robo…
2024-06-19 03:39:57

Awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama in 2015, Willie Mays left his fans with countless memories. But a single feat served to capture his magic -- one so untoppable it was simply called “The Catch.”
2024-09-14 08:04:04

whoa this is fun, getting off github pages with a handful of lines of redo, cmark, and a 10-line go server that embeds my files in the binary. computers are fun sometimes
2024-09-12 06:06:28

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 04 - Time Squad
BLAKE: [V.O.] Then you'd better get it right.
AVON: [To Vila and Gan] Shall we get on with it? B7B1
2024-06-19 01:04:03

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #DriveTime
🎵 Situation (U.S. 12″ remix)
2024-08-20 14:04:06

Brilliant #SturgeonMoon with #voiceover, shining above #HellsKitchen in #NewYorkCity. Lovely big city #lunar observation from another first-time retootee PerryTrails (@…).
Great movie, Perry. We're looking fwd to retooting and boosting more of your #MoonPhoto work.
🔗 #NYC #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #FullMoon #SuperMoon #GayTravel
2024-09-06 04:23:47

Hier kann man ein wenig erahnen, wie viel Sand, Erde und Schotter schon auf dem #Radschutzstreifen des #KurtSchumacherDamm in #Osnabrück gespült worden sind.

Bredowstraße in Osnabrück. Man sieht deutlich Erosionen am frisch instandgesetzten Seitenstreifen.  Im Hintergrund ein Radfahrer auf dem Radschutzstreifen auf dem Kurt Schumacher Damm in Osnabrück.
2024-06-23 22:02:04

From #HannaHumenchuk #Ukraine
Fantastic Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦

Fantastic Kyiv, Ukraine.
2024-06-23 04:07:05

Von #MieterinnenUndMieterverband #MV
📣 Wir sind bereit für den Abstimmungskampf! 💪
Wir wollen keine Beschneidung des #Mieterschutz'es bei Eigenbedarf und Untermiete.

Generalversammlung Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband.
Generalversammlung Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband.
Generalversammlung Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband.
Generalversammlung Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband.