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2024-11-30 05:10:17

Chinafake tip: if you visit frequently or have it bookmarked/favorited, you might be able to search it in Safari on iOS by adding "chinafake" before your search query! Try it out!

A screenshot of the search bar in Safari on iOS. Entered into the search box is "chinafake funny crawl spider". The top search suggestion is "Search for 'funny crawl spider'".
2024-11-23 19:32:24

Today is the 100th anniversary of Edwin Hubble discovering that those fuzzy clouds were actually other galaxies! #lookup #space #Astronomy

New York Times from Sunday, November 23, 1924. A headline reads: Finds spiral nebula are stellar systems, Dr. Hubbell Confirms View That They Are 'Island Universes'
Similar to Our Own.
2024-12-25 01:23:47

Get. Off. My. Lawn. 😳😝💣💥🫥💀
2025-01-25 23:05:13

Neu im Blog: „Kleine Echos – Tributes to Depeche Mode“ – #Metal
2025-01-11 07:57:23

Übrigens: Benutzt #NewPipe, statt nativen Youtube-Clients.
- Keine Werbung vor, in oder hinter dem eigentlichen Videocontent.
- wird direkt unterstützt
- Videos im Hintergrund laufen lassen
- Videos herunterladen
2024-12-27 23:50:24

Hedera Hashgraph — это революционная блокчейн-платформа, созданная с целью обеспечить высокую скорость транзакций, низкую стоимость операций и максимальную безопасность. В отличие от традиционных блокчейнов, таких как Bitcoin или Ethereum, Hedera использует уникальную технологию графов направленных ациклов (DAG), известную как Hashgraph, которая обеспечивает консенсус и эффективность.
Основные характеристики Hedera:
1. Уникальная архитектура Hashgraph
Технология Hashgraph отли…
2024-12-17 23:40:23

Drawing attention to this thread of comments of mine from a few days ago, as it goes deeper into apparent efforts from European nations to Trump-proof Ukraine, which is actually VERY important for European security.
It's nice seeing news articles pointing out Ukrainian funding & Russian appeasement isn't something Trump gets to dictate, but rather, a situation where Europe is trying to diplomatically push back against Trump to defend their legitimate security interests.
2024-11-29 11:06:44

this is genuinely half of chinafake repairing

a greentext reading:
> fix split gear
> put chinafake back together
> doesn't move right
> look inside
> split gear
below this is a picture of a cat staring at the camera.
2024-11-23 20:17:50

„Out Changing Climate“ hat ein tolles Video über #organizing gemacht, das die Methode kurz einführt und in erster Linie mit vielen Beispielen wie von #UAW & #endegelaende zum Handeln inspiriert:
2024-12-20 23:42:36

@… There is a read API, but it returns “”.
2024-11-29 09:27:44

Reminder that if you know anyone who uses bsky but not the fediverse, they can still follow our account!
2024-11-23 20:50:37

Finally finished building this prototyping station, for designing synthesizer circuits from scratch. Super excited to start using it! #diysynth #electronics
2024-12-27 23:49:36

Hedera Hashgraph — это революционная блокчейн-платформа, созданная с целью обеспечить высокую скорость транзакций, низкую стоимость операций и максимальную безопасность. В отличие от традиционных блокчейнов, таких как Bitcoin или Ethereum, Hedera использует уникальную технологию графов направленных ациклов (DAG), известную как Hashgraph, которая обеспечивает консенсус и эффективность.
Основные характеристики Hedera:
1. Уникальная архитектура Hashgraph
Технология Hashgraph отли…
2025-01-14 06:32:11

Dank des #pixelfed-hypes spült es auch wieder meinen Account ins Vorderhirn, der genauso brach liegt wie die 2 TB an unbearbeiteten raw-Fotos auf dem NAS. 🙈
2025-01-05 23:53:47


A sign for the restaurant Frisch's Big Boy looms high in a cloudy sky on a pole. The sign features a smiling cartoon boy with a pompadour haircut. Halfway up the pole is a second sign that reads "Drive thru" and "Thank you Lancaster". Behind the sign is an empty parking lot and a deserted one-story brick building. The parking lot has faded yellow lines for parking spots and lots of tar patching cracks in the asphalt. The parking lot is surrounded by grass with a light dusting of snow.
2025-01-16 23:07:57

Really grateful for community tonight.
We really do keep us safe and healing.
2024-11-18 22:03:23

"create-svelte" et "svelte-add" sont remplacées par "sv" : "The Svelte CLI"
2024-11-08 14:07:56

Series D, Episode 12 - Warlord
ORAC: Why not ask them?
TARRANT: [Into comm] This is Xenon base, identify yourselves. [static] I repeat, identify yourselves. [more static] You have ten seconds or I'll open fire. B7B3

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts a scene from a science fiction setting, likely from a television show. The characters are dressed in futuristic costumes, suggesting a space or advanced technological environment. The room in which they are gathered features consoles and electronic panels, reinforcing the sci-fi context.

Four individuals are gathered around a transparent tabletop model or device with circuitry visible inside. They appear to be engaged in a serious discussion …
2024-12-18 20:19:36
2024-12-10 07:00:23

«Nextcloud Talk – Open-Source-Tool will Microsoft Teams ablösen:
Mit dem Paris-Update erhält Nextcloud Talk einen Desktop-Client. Generative KI soll digitale Meetings effizienter gestalten.»
Wenn @… von der Masse der Industrie wie ua zB auch @…
2024-11-20 15:19:23

Bag making in progress. Joining ends to bodies for some tube/duffel shaped purses. Drinking tea, settling into the studio, and getting on with it #handmade #sewing #bagsewing

Parts for a vinyl bag being assembled, blue, red, green pieces, and a finished black and white tube duffel shaped purse
Orange, blue, and red vinyl bag pieces being assembled into a star tube duffel shaped purses. Plier stapler and blue handles pliers.
Assembling parts for a star tube/duffle shaped vinyl bag, with plier stapler and pliers. Orange, red, and blue vinyl pieces.
2024-12-20 23:42:09

@… Can I interest you in /dev/null As A Service?
For the low price of $5.99/month, you can send me a link to anything, and I will lose it for you!
This is a write-only service.
2025-01-12 12:54:00

Welches (FOSS-)Tool nimmt man denn, wenn man ein 3D Modell für ein Holzmöbelprojekt anfertigen will?
2025-01-23 20:58:48

Wer aktiv gegen das #afd_verbot_jetzt ist, ist mmn ein Faschist, Rassist und Nazi.
Die wissen genau, was die da unterstützen und wofür diese Partei steht!
#afd #afdverbot
2024-11-12 13:24:23

One week to go with last places up for grabs! Join us at DINAcon 2024 next week in Bern to hear about:
💠 AI in Parliament: A Roadmap for the Parliamentary Library { Jacqueline Kucera }
🌸 How can large language models be used for sustainable procurement? { Marcel Gygli, Luca Rolshoven }
🌿 Source code sovereignty: local alternatives for an independent digital future { Tobias Brunner }
🧑‍⚖️ My workshop on open source contracts with Simon Schlauri

DINAcon logo and conference banner - future models for a digital, sovereign and sustainable Switzerland
2024-11-23 00:48:34

After today's #SBLAAR24 #THATCAMP I wrote this: Why Scholars Should Own Their Online Presence
2024-12-05 23:16:04

If you own a #Vault-Tec #Pip-Boy 3000 mk V, firmware 2v24.413-1.12 was released (shipped with 2v24.325-1.04) so install it at
2024-12-17 23:25:32

To paraphrase John Gilmore,
*"Europe interprets Trump as damage and routes around him".*
2025-01-05 19:23:58

Nice, @…'s blog post about #Bundler's new checksums is worth a read:
2024-12-20 23:02:04

@… @… *smashes the Subscribe button*
2024-11-28 10:44:09

turn of the century chinafakes are something else

A chinafake toy gun that resembles Harry Potter on a broomstick with an owl. One of his hands is pointing at something, and is very large and made out of translucent green plastic with an LED inside. The whole thing is very off-looking, has a weird paint job, and Harry's face is that of an eldritch horror. The whole toy is covered in  minor damage from wear (scratches, paint worn down, etc) and small amounts of grime and dirt here and there, presumably from storage.
A slightly more zoomed-out image of the same toy.
The other side of the toy, which is identical albeit mirrored. It has speaker holes and a model number of "NO.918-20" molded into it.
A close up of the initial side of the toy, but focused more on the lower half and battery compartment this time.
2024-11-19 11:08:18

Hi, I am an economist working at #ZBW, the world's largest library for economics and management. I am mostly on Bluesky, but I am also here now @…
2025-01-17 12:52:42

When listening to an ebook with TalkBack, if I get a regular notification, the ebook resumes after the notification.
But if I get a charging notification, the reading does not resume. Sometimes when my phone is on the charger, it will announce the charging level at random times, and TalkBack just stops.
Does anyone have any experience with disabling charging notifications or getting the screen reader to resume automatically?
2024-11-07 15:05:23

We did it!
My, and your, first bridge between Mastodon and Bluesky, via
May our two federations prosper.
2025-01-07 16:28:13

Es fliegen Solarstrom-Statistiken durch die Timeline, aber man hat selber keine Möglichkeit eine eigene Anlage zu betreiben:
2024-11-26 23:40:08

get dunked upon

A Matrix moderation bot touting its ban of two nearly identical "prbg sakie" spam accounts.
2025-01-15 06:24:23

"White guy window dressing" is a little better. I just wish it was one word.
I bet, if they weren't white, the Germans would have a word for this.
2024-12-20 23:01:21

@… I was allowed a beer afterwards. This one, specifically:
2024-12-17 23:05:07

This situation actually reminds me a bit of the dotcom bubble collapse in the late '90s / early '00s, with slight differences.
Declining stocks & VC led to a bunch of startups initially being unable to obtain additional funding. To make matters worse, ad demand started falling, leading to lower revenues for ad-based internet services.
In this case, a decline of ad demand is trailing dotcom revenue shortages. I suspect currency & stock weakness & a slowing econ…
2025-01-23 20:45:12

Warum sind nur 17% der Abgeordneten für ein #afdverbot , obwohl 50% der Bevölkerung dafür sind?
Die Abgeordneten sollen doch die Meinung der Öffentlichkeit vertreten, ich finde sowas unakzeptabel.
Letzendlich bleibt wohl nicht mehr viel übrig, außer Druck auf die Abgeordneten auszuüben und zu hoffen, dass die darauf reagieren.
2024-11-12 23:48:49

Voici ce que j'ai compris au sujet de l'article 25 du projet de loi de finance 2025, au sujet des #BSPCE #plf2025
2025-01-06 17:04:42

Warum ich aktuell eher dazu tendiere die Grüüünen zu wählen.
1. Die CDU wird die stärkste Kraft werden, solange Merz nicht an der falschen Stelle lacht. Dann habe ich als Koalitionspartner lieber eine starke Grüne als eine starke SPD.
2. Noch lieber hätte ich eine starke Linke.
Aber die Kackfaschisten sind gerade bei 20%, Leute. Wir können nicht 10 x% linke Stimmen an der 5%-Hürde scheitern lassen.
2024-12-20 23:00:25

@… Aha, I get you now! This is the best thing about proofs (I feel the same way about dependently-typed programming). The more information you can convey in a signature or type, the less you need to look inside.
I'm surprised you say that Go is close to it, though; is this because of culture? I'm sure that Rob Pike shouting “don't do anything cle…
2024-11-11 14:11:23

Series C, Episode 05 - The Harvest of Kairos
TARRANT: [To Dayna] Stay with him.
[Somewhere else on the Liberator] B7B3

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts a scene from the television series "Blake's 7." It features three characters in a futuristic, sci-fi setting with a greenish tint. The room is equipped with a modern chair and a transparent table. The characters appear to be having a tense interaction, suggesting a dramatic moment in the show. The series is known for its sleek, futuristic design and complex character dynamics."

Blakes7Bot, version 3.7.34.
2024-12-06 09:23:31

So a HUGE box showed up at my doorstep.
It's the pre-order of my #XboxSeriesX #IndianaJones & the #GreatCircle - Collector's Edition.
It's the size of a small r…
2024-11-14 23:19:20

Article on media treatment of people with disabilities after the ADA was enacted in 1990.
A quote from the article:
"In the mind of the public and the media, there are 'legitimate' and 'worthy' disabilities, usually those visible to the naked eye, such as mobility impairments and blindness. At the other end of the spectrum, there are the 'undeserving disabled,' people who are thought to be to blame for their conditions."
2025-01-11 07:47:05

Hm, so geht's eigentlich.

Screenshot: Man sieht die App NewPipe. Geöffnet ist das Video "Geld für die Welt - Lindner greift Habeck und Scholz an".
Im Vordergrund ein Menü in dem man Tempo und Pitch einstellen kann. Der Pitch steht auf 200%. Das verwandelt Christian Lindner in einen Chipmunk.
2025-01-12 23:06:39

Dipshiticus the Dumb
bot by @…
This is a joke, not a threat: let's leave the extrajudicial killing out of it.
#satire #potus45
2024-11-20 23:44:14

SCSM 2025 : Society for Christian Scholarship in Music Annual Meeting
2025-01-23 19:16:00

Der #aliceweidel und #elonmusk Talk war mmn eine illegale Parteispende.
Solch eine geboostete Aufmerksammkeit würde als werbetreibender auf X 75k im falle einer Werbung, bzw 150k im Falle einer Influencerwerbung (was Musk ja ist) kosten.
2025-01-09 23:46:34

There is a long and storied history of whistles for protection. Ancient Egyptian guards used to place a blade of grass between the thumbs to alert other guards of issues that were transpiring. Later, shells were used to the same end. In China, acorns with holes drilled in them were used similarly.
As a dedicated instrument, whistles have been made of wood, bone, metal, and later, plastics. British bobbies have used whistles to communicate over distances since the 1880s. They are a commonly used tool for boatswains, crossing guards, and referees.
I wish I knew more about rape whistles, but they seem similar in functionality to hikers taking whistles with them in case of injury, as the sound carries much further than yelling, and is much less tiring.
As someone regularly stalked by a large creepy harasser, I am grateful for the whistle I was given for self-protection, even if the creeps who it was given to defend against resent the fuck out of it.
2024-11-28 02:12:25

"yeah just blur em out it'll be fine"

a selection of various mechanical warrior chinafakes (resembling robot octopi) including Spider-Man variants. the faces of the Spider-Man versions are blurred out.
2025-01-07 16:25:55

Ok. Bitwarden musste im letzten Release ganz dringend die UI des Firefox-Plugins verschlimmbessern.
2024-12-02 23:45:01

SNOW! (flurries, in Nashville) #tnwx
2025-01-23 18:14:01

#Trump is butthurd by a bishop telling him indirectly that his politiks are bad.
He wants a apology and says that she is a leftextreme trump hater.
Does this sound like kindergarden drama? Yes.
Is this person running the country? Yes.
2024-11-06 21:23:08

Series B, Episode 09 - Countdown
VETNOR: There's a main rotonoid link. If I cut through its primary impulse vein, it might break the circuit. Then again -
CAUDER: It might not. We'll chance it. [Vetnor reaches into the console and drops a tool, Grant and Cauder exchange looks. Vetnor pulls out some wires and cuts them. There is small explosion and the ticking that marks the countdown stops]
2025-01-10 19:53:23

Awkward when you're literally doing more organizing in a whole other city where the knob who thinks he's — actually I don't know what he thinks he's accomplishing — lives, than the actual knob who &c.
2025-01-10 18:45:22

Until 5 pm EST today, They Might Be Giants is giving away My Murdered Remains, their 2018 album.
Go grab the MP3s and maybe buy a Dr. Worm Venn diagram shirt.
#TMBG #TheyMightBeGiants
2024-11-26 21:14:12

Our Matrix chat is now back! It was gone due to some moderation issues, but those have been resolved and it is now back online with Discord messages being bridged again! Check it out at
2025-01-23 17:05:26

Das zeigt wieder einmal, wie wichtig politische und politikhistorische Bildung ist.
Anscheinend wussten 40% der befragten nicht, dass 6m Juden im #Holocaust gestorben sind.
15% glauben, dass es unter 2m waren, 2%, also jeder 50ste glaubt nichtmal an den Holocaust.
Kein Wunder, dass sich bei dieser schrecklichen
2024-12-25 05:58:28

Perfume rec: Tokyo Milk Dead Sexy or Tainted Love!
Anything from Tokyo Milk Dark is 🔥🪄 Also Blackmail by Kerosene perfume, after Blackmail Boutique in Austin Tx. #scents #perfume #tokyomilk #kerosene #blackmailboutique
2025-01-12 23:06:26

I am launching this bot today. It posts a nickname for the 45th President once an hour.
(and please don't send me to a reeducation camp for making this)
- @…
2024-11-26 09:38:27

Welcome! You've reached the official Fediverse (or Bluesky) account of the Chinafake Wiki at! We specialize in creating a database of bootleg and generic toys from China. (ever been to one of those small dollar stores that isn't part of a chain?) Visit us at
2025-01-07 17:31:46

Today I learned the English word "access" has been a noun for centuries, but seems to have only become commonly used as a verb in the mid-20th century with the advent of computers.
#Access #Accessibility #English
2025-01-07 03:50:13

Overwhelmed by winter? A traffic camera shows this rest stop on I-70 not only has no snow, but it's spring and the leaves are out 😆
2025-01-06 00:03:54

One reason why I love using Fedilab for Mastodon: the option to display a translate button on every post. I follow people who write in various languages, and I can get an English translation with a single tap. @… #Android
2024-12-18 20:19:36

Restocked my @nakatsubyjna booth @bluegenieartbazaar with more zippie pouches (all 3 sizes!), card cases (a few lenticular ones left!), star pins, and snap cuff bracelets. Open 10am-10pm at 6100 Airport Blvd every day through December 23, and 10-6 December 24. 200 local artists in one place! #nakatsubyjna #vinylbags #handmade #bagmaker #localart #bluegenieartbazaar
2025-01-03 03:24:39

It's gonna be a sad day if all the handmade, off-model, copyright-defying art on carnival rides ever gets replaced by boring generative AI images.
#Art #AI #Airbrush
2024-11-24 21:23:29

Some recycled vinyl banner totes I made for Blue Genie Art in their booth, at the Blue Genie Art Bazaar using banners from their past events, so limited edition. 6100 Airport Blvd 10-10 everyday, and 10-6 Dec 24. @Nakatsubyjna #bagmaker #vinylbags #sewing #bluegenieartbazaar #nakatsubyjna #handmade #austintexas #austintx #atx
2024-11-19 20:25:13

do it

A bootleg tumbling car toy with a dog face. A speech bubble saying "MAKE A U-TURN!!" has been crudely added to the image, likely in Microsoft Paint.
2024-11-07 00:23:31

We are committed to ensuring the Chinafake community will always be a safe space for everyone, no matter what.
Trans Lifeline: (877) 565-8860
Crisis lifeline: text START to 741-741
The LGBT youth line: (800) 246-7743
Mental health support in general: 988
2025-01-14 19:35:23

Yesterday in #FuckThePolice

A Portland Police Bureau report released late last month shows that the agency's review board recommended that a sergeant be fired after lying to investigators about placing a right-wing meme in a training presentation — a recommendation that Chief Bob Day and then-Mayor Ted Wheeler declined to follow.
{{ snip }}
Known as the "Prayer of the Alt Knight," the meme has been traced back to a member of the far-right Proud Boys group and endorses police brutality against a "dirty hippy," showing an officer in riot gear with fist raised over a person with long hair.
{{ snip }}
McDaniel denied the allegation that he'd put the slide in the presentation. Then-Chief Chuck Lovell ultimately concluded that it was "more likely than not" that McDaniel was responsible for the slide, according to the memo, though Lovell backed away from termination of the sergeant's employment and instead suspended him for 100 hours without pay.

#PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #PoliceDontPreventCrime #DefundDisarmDismantle
2024-11-20 15:23:38

Bag making in progress. Joining ends to bodies for some tube/duffel shaped purses. Drinking tea, settling into the studio, and getting on with it #handmade #sewing #bagsewing #bag #vinylbags #maker
2024-11-16 00:08:27

apple bottom jeans,

The box of a chinafake weaving and bead kit called "Weaves With The Bead".
2024-11-02 02:32:49

A new picture of the Evilstick (#Evilstick

A picture of an Evilstick in its packaging with the foil and image behind it removed. There is a second image behind the first, but it has been punched in so it is not fully identifiable.
2024-11-02 01:56:13

raw, unbridled comedy

Discord user "(Miracle) Thunder" says: Mmm, low bitrate songs
Below this, another user posts a picture containing a speech bubble coming from a chinafake phone (the kind which normally play Butterfly), so that it appears that the above message is being said by the phone.
2024-10-31 22:38:26

The Chinafake Wiki team wishes you a happy Halloween! :)
2024-12-07 21:44:29

Busy weekend @bluegenieartbazaar
everyday 10am-10pm through December 23, 10-6 December 24th. 200 artists in one location 6100 Airport Blvd. Sewing like the wind! @nakatsubyjna #handmade #vinylbags #bagmaker #localart #austintexas #austintx #atx