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2024-05-26 20:57:02

@… has now a much improved integration with @… that works with every backend including @…@…
2024-05-27 03:01:59

Hey! I've been doing a lot of work stuff. Senior engineer slash engineering manager life. But I'm really fucking pumped that the FCC is moving to restore net neutrality in the US. You might be able to tell how pumped I am from the *checks notes* meme I just found on my NAS, that I made in 2017, when I felt there weren't enough net neutrality memes on the internet :)

A comic strip depicting a class with a cool teacher wearing sunglasses.

Teacher: "Okay class, net neutrality is now a school subject so it's time to save the interwebs. Let's start with an example, who wants to go first? José! Get up here. If some paid shill caught your eye, what would you say?"

José: "I hope you enjoy shamefully calling your ISP to buy the 'access to PornHub' package"

Teacher is surrounded by flames and wipes off sweat with an :O face, then slams an A+ stamp on José many ti…
2024-05-25 18:38:04

If your SO is ever feeling insecure and asks "do you love me?" you say "yes, I go to Costco on Saturdays for you"
2024-05-24 14:25:18

Still not feeling good today. Slightly better than yesterday, but not by much.
I have a headache that just won't go away. It's not a migraine, just enough to be annoying.
I'm hoping as the day goes by I get to feeling better as I don't like not feeling good.
2024-04-26 07:29:47

A dark standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant following LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA O4a
C. R. Bom, V. Alfradique, A. Palmese, G. Teixeira, L. Santana-Silva, A. Santos, P. Darc
2024-05-25 04:46:28

The Fall Guy was the most fun I’ve had in a movie in years. Absolutely had belly laughs. Great stunts, and a love story for filmmaking.
#setlife #movies #film
2024-04-24 16:40:30

Don't mind me, just downloading an LLM over 5G at ~100 MB/s, becuase the ones I have locally are horrible at actually following instructions and I don't want to use someone else's chat service.
2024-05-26 20:57:02

@… has now a much improved integration with @… that works with every backend including @…@…
2024-05-25 18:38:04

If your SO is ever feeling insecure and asks "do you love me?" you say "yes, I go to Costco on Saturdays for you"
2024-05-25 04:46:28

The Fall Guy was the most fun I’ve had in a movie in years. Absolutely had belly laughs. Great stunts, and a love story for filmmaking.
#setlife #movies #film