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2024-05-26 03:25:33

Well yes, that exclamation does capture my feelings when riding Cesar Chavez St. #bikeSF

“Jesus help!” is written on a sign affixed to a pole next to the very worn bike lane with run-over plastic posts on Cesar Chavez
2024-04-26 16:40:50

Hinweis für #NextCloud Admins: Mit Version 28 wurden einige Scripte von .js auf .mjs umgestellt. Sollte euer Webserver die Endung nicht kennen und das als text/html statt application/javascript einstufen knallt es.
Zum Testen: curl -I https://your.nextcloud.tld/apps/settings/js/esm-test.mjs
Für nginx: mjs für application/javascript in der mime.types im Config-Ordner ergänzen.<…
2024-04-26 23:15:00

Über die von der EU verpflichtete Browser-Auswahl von iOS 17.4 habe ich über die Tage wieder #Firefox für iOS ausprobiert:
Ohne die fehlenden Browser-Add-Ons v.a. für Ad-Blocker und WebKit statt Gecko als Engine ist das nutzlos für mich. Das liegt aber mehr an Apple als an Mozilla.
Als die App mich um eine Rezension gebeten hat, habe ich das dort so geschrieben.
Darauf kam eine E-…

"Dear Martin,
We are writing to inform you that your customer review for Firefox: Private, Safe Browser is not in compliance with the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions, Submissions Guidelines under Section L.
Due to the violation of the Submissions Guidelines noted above, we removed your submitted review as part of routine moderation practices, during which automated processes were used.
You can submit a review by following the Submissions Guidelines, or learn about your Redress Rights …
2024-04-24 07:43:13

Frankfurt! Im Mai zeigt das Filmmuseum eine sehr schöne Reihe mit Filmen zum D-Day. Eigentlich ist jeder davon ein Knaller. Die meisten Filme werden von klugen Menschen eingeführt (und einer von mir).
2024-04-25 06:03:34

Eine der letzten großen Hollywood-Schauspielerinnen wurde 90 Jahre alt: #ShirleyMacLaine
#Schauspielerin #Tänzerin
2024-06-14 13:00:58

Wartime Journalism: Balancing Safety and Reporting in Ukraine The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine led not only to numerous destruction of infrastructure and human casualties Source :
2024-05-16 19:38:58

Complex systems are complex.
Had a few inadvertent learning opportunities these past few weeks. Some of them have been easy to sort out, others required the tech equivalent of a Ouija board.
Many could have been solved by project just writing things down.
2024-05-17 19:55:20

Sun City Girls – “Sun City Girls” (1984)
First run pressing of 1000 copies on Placebo Records
Desert landscapes, weather, people, and culture are so unique. One of the quietest places on Earth, deserts tend to produce a lot of introspection. I assume this is why some of the weirdest and most creative art, particularly music, comes out of such regions.
I could never keep up with all the output from the Sun City Girls and the two brothers that constituted its core. But that’s…

Front cover of album jacket. Off white with "Sun City Girls" written in purplish text on top left. 

Bottom right has black and white charcoal drawing of a stick figure like person falling / diving, with arms extended behind them. 

Below is black vinyl 12" disc with orange label
Back album jacket. 

Sun City Girls written in plain text. Below that is a black and white picture of the band members, image reflected in a mirror or water. 

Black vinyl disc with orange label below
2024-06-13 07:04:03
Content warning:

It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"The king of all gods once burned with love for #Ganymede."
#Ovid, Metamorphoses
🏛️ Pencil drawing of a vase paintin…

Ruled paper with a pencil drawing of a vase painting of Zeus gifting Ganymedes a cock, a common lover's gift, and taking him by the arm. Above the following quotes are written in cursive: "The king of all gods once burned with love for Ganymede. Ovid, Metamorphoses, 8 CE. Ganymede, who was the comeliest of mortal men; wheretofore the gods carried him off to be ZEUS' cupbearer. Homer, Iliad, 700 BCE." Below the pencil drawing, the following quotes are written in cursive: "Setting ZEUS' majesty a…
2024-05-12 16:58:17

Ich schaue mir jedes Jahre total gerne das Dok.fest Filmfestival in München an.
"WHERE WE USED TO SLEEP" hat es mir dieses Jahr besonders angetan. Das langsame Portrait einer alten Frau, ihrem Hund und einer Kuh in der unangenehmen Lage, von einer Kupfermine verdrängt zu werden. In der genauen Beobachtung der traurigen Konsequenz von Heimatverlust leider großartig und niederschmetternd ehrlich.