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2024-03-07 08:43:34

Climate-conscious travelers are jumpstarting Europe’s sleeper trains | AP News
2024-04-05 08:04:59

7:07 Uhr 7 Themen in 7 Sätzen? sucht noch nach Ideen
2024-03-07 18:57:11

Darnit, that‘s some bad luck.
But at least he didn’t have to suffer from lung cancer.
Hopefully it was a quick one.
2024-02-08 01:06:39
Content warning: iran pol

Von 28. Februar bis 3. März findet in Graz das ⁦@elevatefestival⁩ statt. Ich darf am 2. März über globale Perspektiven auf Demokratiedefizite sprechen. Gemeinsam mit ⁦@J_Kohlenberger⁩ und Olga Grjasnowa.…
2024-05-07 23:30:41

Semi-automatic gun ban nixed in Colorado's Democratic-controlled statehouse after historic progress (Associated Press)
2024-04-07 18:44:30

#30DaysOfBiking, Day 7: Started during the (rather gray and cloudy than) golden hour similar to the tour on day 4/5 but farther and partially a different way back. Stopped in a restaurant I didn't know so far. 10km until there. A few more kilometers to come.

A castle-like house with a round tower at one corner in garden with a lots of bushes.
View on Uetliberg in the background, grapvines in the foreground and the Hardau tower blocks and a bit of Zurich inbetween.
A lighted restaurant sign in form of a thumbs up gesture with the words "rucola" and "Pizza" in it. A dim amber streetlight in the dark blue evening sky.
Spaghetti Carbonara with huge bacon stripes and glass of Parmesan hard cheese.
2024-04-07 21:10:27

Paging all #asstodon and #baseball aficionados. TIL about donkey baseball. This is a thing I never knew I needed. Now I'd like to know more.
Source: The Port Credit News, July 21, 1937,

A scanned version of a 2-paragraph newspaper article: "Successful Picnic Held at Erindale. Cooksville Business Men's Association is Host to Community. All Have Good Time. Donkey Baseball Proves One of the Highlights Among Features."
2024-05-06 07:52:03

Die nächsten Fahrraddemo-Termine für #Frankfurt:
Heute um 16:30 gehen wir für die Berücksichtigung des Radverkehrs an der Regionaltangente West ab FFM-Höchst auf die Straße. Treffpunkt ist das Tor H831 am Industriepark (Robert-Schnitzer-Straße).
Und am Mittwoch, den 15.5. findet der jährliche

Sharepic für die Demonstration, Treffpunkt 6.5.24, 16:30, Tor H831 Industriepark Höchst
Langer Erklärtext zur Regionaltangente West
Sharepic für den Ride of Silence. Start 15.5.24, 18-20 Uhr, Start/Ziel Bockenheimer Warte
2024-04-06 19:45:18

Gelb Gelb Gelb sind alle meine ...
#Spazur #ItsTheLittleThings

Großaufnahme kleine knall-gelbe Blüte auf der Magerwiese. Darunter eine noch geschlossene Knospe.  Sie hat die BlüttenBlätter am Abend schon etwas geschlossen.