The Blue Genie Art Bazaar opened yesterday November 15 and runs through December 24 at 6100 Airport Blvd 10am-10pm every day (10-6 December 24) #nakatsubyjna #handmade #vinylbags nakatsubyj…
Finally finished building this prototyping station, for designing synthesizer circuits from scratch. Super excited to start using it! #diysynth #electronics
Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
SOOLIN: Another calculated risk?
DAYNA: Try and get the sums right this time. B7B5
Series D, Episode 02 - Power
GUNN SAR: Go where?
NINA: Escape. B7B2
Series C, Episode 03 - Volcano
SERVALAN: [V.O.] Message received. Battle fleet, withhold action.
[Two troopers enter, one carrying Orac.] B7B5
Series C, Episode 09 - Sarcophagus
CALLY: [Enters] I've finished with the book screen, Dayna. You said you wanted it.
TARRANT: Ah, Cally. I've been going over that theory of yours about the teleport bracelets boosting each other. As you're aware, it doesn't make sense.…
Series D, Episode 06 - Headhunter
TARRANT: Vila, no! [Vila approaches the box. As he touches it, the same electrical power surge occurs again. Vila tries again with the same result.]
TARRANT: Slave? B7B4
#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 11 - Moloch
CALLY: What sort of answer's that?
ORAC: A succinct one. - To elaborate, the Sardoans avoid any form of social contact which might lead to genetic change. Their decision to avoid the normal evolutionary process followed exhaustive computer projections into their future.