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2024-05-16 06:10:15

Awesome news from Mozilla: After years of powerful web extensions such as Web Serial, Web Bluetooth and Web USB only being available in Chrome based browsers, there is now a path open for extensions they previously regarded as insecure to be added.
This will still need someone implementing it, but the path toward #Firefox PWAs that interact with the physical world is now open again.
2024-04-11 07:30:56

Impact of Extensions on Browser Performance: An Empirical Study on Google Chrome
Bihui Jin, Heng Li, Ying Zou
2024-04-04 14:33:15

Web in 2024 (vs 10 or even 5 years ago):
✅ servers: disks and CPU so much faster; RAM so much cheaper
✅ browsers running on so much more powerful hardware
✅ technologies like CDNs moving delivery so much closer to users
✅ connection speeds—on average—so much faster
❌ page load times and performance hilariously, stupidly, so much worse in almost all cases
2024-05-27 11:34:35

Minimal warning hints for too-large video/image files. Possibly could resize/compress in-browser but there's memory pressure issue for too-large files, especially on mobile browsers. Will revisit later. The copy is probably too technical.
- It's actually KiB, disguised as KB

Demo of warnings shown for too-large media uploads. First is a video file that exceeded the file size limit set by the Mastodon instance. Second is an image file that exceeded the dimension limit.
2024-04-22 15:44:00

I found this nugget in a HTML file from 2001, a time when PDF was a new-fangled format that web browsers might not be expected to cope with:
<p>Notes for this week's session are available in <a
href="meth9.pdf">Adobe pdf format</a>. Save these to disc as
Internet Explorer may have difficulties displaying them on-line. …
2024-05-21 21:19:34
