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2024-05-06 20:41:47

Is Chechnya preparing for Kadyrov's demise — and what could come next?:
2024-06-06 10:39:57

Ultrasound offers a new way to perform deep brain stimulation Still involves implanting a fiber (thread).
An implantable piezoelectric ultraso…
2024-04-07 00:30:47

If you made reservations to watch the #eclipse in #Texas while receiving an illegal butt injection, I’m afraid I have some bad news.

Mother and daughter accused of performing illegal butt injections arrested in sting operation in Texas
2024-04-05 22:51:31

Tot denken aanzettende blog over de vogelgriep.
2024-05-06 06:15:20

A History of C Compilers - Part 1: Performance, Portability and Freedom
The first part of a whistle stop tour of the history of C compilers. Also GNU/Linux, dragons and lots of architectures!
2024-03-07 02:59:34

Recommendations for accelerating open #preprint #PeerReview to improve the culture of #science: - "Preprints are enabling new forms of peer review that have the potential to be more thorough, inclusive, and collegial than traditional journal peer review, and to thus fundamentally shift the culture of peer review toward constructive collaboration."
2024-05-06 14:00:56

Democrats prepare to go on offense on immigration in the coming weeks (NBC News)
2024-06-06 10:04:29

"Evaluating Large Language Models for Structured Science Summarization in the Open Research Knowledge Graph"
2024-04-06 23:08:26

Wisdom begins with respect for the Lord, and understanding begins with knowing the Holy One. Proverbs 9.10 NCV.
Stop being a fool. Know God.
#Bible #BibleVerses #Proverbs
2024-03-07 01:05:38

Keller high school backtracks, students will perform 'The Laramie Project' (Talia Richman/Dallas Morning News)