Well doesn't this look interesting: #MPSGöttingen's renowned dynamo experts Manfred Schüssler and Robert Cameron together with Paul Charbonneau, Masumi Dikpati, Hideyuki Hotta, Leonid Kitchatinov have edited the new Space Sciences series of ISSI #book
"Solar and Stellar Dy…
Kleine Einführung in #PFAS und was diese Ewigkeitschemikalie in uns und der #Umwelt anrichtet.
Mittendrin: Erschreckende Messungen von #greenpeace an der Nord- & Ostsee (
ICHSS 2025 : 2025 11th International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences (ICHSS 2025) #acrel http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=180298%C…
#todayilearned that methane emissions from EU marine transport have at least doubled between 2018 and 2023, largely due to increased use of #LNG. [1] Methane is a heavy contributor to #climatechange
#todayilearned that the US census page went down with others. [1]
PSA: Now is a good time to pull some local copies of datasets and knowledge bases.
Spinning up a small homelab for stuff like #kiwix and backups is easy with
Did I mention I love Floating Points? Someone recommended Cascade to me and I couldn't stop listening to it. It's a beautiful album, full of fast paced club-electronica, with a gorgeous ambient ending.
Check it out: https://floatingpoints.bandcamp.com/album/cascade
Aktuell sehe ich wieder vermehrt Artikel zu den Wahlprogrammen in der BTW, auch zu Digitalpolitik.[1] Das ist natürlich super!
Nur der Hinweis: Theorie ist schön, Praxis ernüchternd.
[1] https://netzpolitik.org/2025/bundestag
"Schon eine leichte Erwärmung reicht, um das Eis [in der westlichen Antarktis] zum Schmelzen zu bringen. Das macht uns ziemliche Sorgen."
Physik und Klima verhandeln nicht. Sehr Interessanter Artikel, can recommend!