BZ098 VUCA –
Was bedeutet eigentlich VUCA?
Beginn von Bauarbeiten direkt neben dem #MPSGöttingen: Bis Sommer 2026 sollen westlich des Gebäudes ein neues Wohnheim sowie eine Kindertagesstätte entstehen. Nachdem die Arbeiten zu Beginn dieser Woche aufgrund guten Wetters früher als erwartet starteten, zeigte sich die Szenerie heute zunächst ausgesprochen neblig. Die Sonne war dadurch über längere Zeit hinweg durch den Nebel gefilt…
Basnia – My Only Religion is Love
BZ100 Podcast –
Was bedeutet eigentlich Podcast?
AI chatbots are like that one uncle you see at Thanksgiving. Over his life he became a true expert in something, say, ice sculptures, and can speak with authority on it. But he's convinced he should speak with authority on any subject at all — medicine, law, business, how rainy it will be next spring — stating with 100% certainty things he heard or made up.
Many things he says are right, many are wrong, and you can't judge which is which from his words alone.
Sonnet 024 - XXIV
Mine eye hath play'd the painter and hath steel'd,
Thy beauty's form in table of my heart;
My body is the frame wherein 'tis held,
And perspective it is best painter's art.
For through the painter must you see his skill,
To find where your true image pictur'd lies,
Which in my bosom's shop is hanging still,
That hath his windows glazed with thine eyes.
Now see what good turns eyes for eyes hav…
BZ099 IT Change Management –
Was bedeutet eigentlich IT Change Management?
Series B, Episode 06 - Trial
BLAKE: Yes ... I don't suppose you know how to speed up the timer on a hom- [Sees that Zil is out of earshot] - homing beacon? Yeah. [He straightens up and starts after her. Zil has collapsed.] Zil, what's wrong?
ZIL: Zil is lost. [The ground opens near her. Blake scoops her up and walks off with her.] The Host will take...
But in better news today I also finished #Frieren and holy cow that was amazing, can't wait for season 2.
My full review:
Today I learned the English word "access" has been a noun for centuries, but seems to have only become commonly used as a verb in the mid-20th century with the advent of computers.
#Access #Accessibility #English