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2024-02-26 08:37:15

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2024-02-18 10:13:30

Been hunting for this beauty of a track for almost a year now, after hearing it (uncredited) in a mix... 10 mins of bliss with blankets of warm perma-chords/pads, minimal bassline, hypnotic broken beats
Burroughs — NREM (2023)
2024-03-19 12:40:27

This week's #TuneTuesday theme is #lullabies. While not strictly a lullaby, the opening chords of this song would calm Kid1 instantly, even when only days old and even in the midst of the worst tantrum, and keep him enthralled for the duration. It still does more than a decade later. It's one of a very …
2024-04-24 07:25:07

Analysis and Visualization of Musical Structure using Networks
Alberto Alcal\'a-Alvarez, Pablo Padilla-Longoria
2024-02-17 22:54:30

One more. Maybe 1975? Age 18. Mid-50s #Gibson L-55. A friend told me his uncle had an old guitar he wanted to sell. Went over there, played a couple of jazzy chords that I had just learned. The uncle shrugged and said, "How about $75?" sold! Had to sell it in 1994 to pay rent when I was an intern at Duke.

Black and white photo of teenager with long hair playing an f-hole guitar.
2024-03-16 20:34:45

Punk in Africa (documentary)
Punk in Africa is a 2012 multilingual African historical punk music film.
Three chords,
Three countries,
One revolution…
Trailer (2010)

Punk in Africa - Documentary 2012
2024-01-31 02:26:07

A few years ago (December '21), a new forum member showed up on Maker Forums, wanting to brainstorm ideas for what he reasonably thought would be the first ever pedal steel guitar that could be tuned under computer control instead of mechanical linkages from the pedals.
Amazingly, 132 comments later, in April '23 another new forum member showed up, who it turned out had already built such a thing, and provided rich detail.
156 posts into the thread, it is still active t…
2024-02-15 16:32:31

#OTD in 1979 The #GiveEmEnoughRope tour played the Ontario Theater in Washington DC. Uk based band #TheClash brought along one of their heroes, USA rock n roll progenitor

CLASH  poster 1979. Tickets $8
Young Punk met Old Punk at the Ontario Theater last night as The Clash and Bo Diddley tore the sold-out house apart with two generations of rock n' roll. The Clash are latest sensations in the world of punk, that riotously ridiculous form of music that refuses to die. Like all self-respecting musicians of their sort, their music was a droning mass of power chords, static rhythms and off-key ranting that was propelled by sheer energy and not much else. Stumbling across the stage, dressed in tigh…
2024-03-10 20:36:33

#ListeningClub I dig the just throw any idea in thing going on lately. Video game like synth chords, followed by an autotuned opening. 🔥
2024-04-06 03:44:01

brb, why aren't there parliament charts but in golang instead of JS
(the JS algorithm for calculating the chords and number of seats on each semicircle is here: - I suppose making one in golang that makes an SVG is possible? or with some /wild/ CSS3 code transforms)
I like this visualization because it easily grows or shrinks with the size of the parliament in question.
2024-04-18 07:30:06

The total chord length of maximal outerplanar graphs
Haley Broadus, Elena Pavelescu arxiv.or…
2024-02-17 22:54:30

One more. Maybe 1975? Age 18. Mid-50s #Gibson L-55. A friend told me his uncle had an old guitar he wanted to sell. Went over there, played a couple of jazzy chords that I had just learned. The uncle shrugged and said, "How about $75?" sold! Had to sell it in 1994 to pay rent when I was an intern at Duke.

Black and white photo of teenager with long hair playing an f-hole guitar.
2024-04-03 20:46:36

A great practice day, even got a chance to sneak in some Elvis, which is never a bad thing.
#piano #practice
Practice Journal: Bonus Elvis

Photo of my hands playing the piano.
2024-04-05 17:16:16

2024-02-01 20:19:17

Warm, downbeat & dubby live jam with VCV Rack, Arturia KeyStep (improvised chords/pads) & Ableton (effects) by yours truly (5 min excerpt, from 2018)

Cropped screenshot of a bunch of modular synths/devices & patch cables of a VCV Rack session...
2024-03-19 08:54:55

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2024-02-13 12:57:20

Musical Systems with $\mathbb{Z}_n$ -- Cayley Graphs
Gabriel Picioroaga, Olivia Roberts arxi…
2024-03-28 08:45:38

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