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2024-05-01 11:15:46

A look at GM's risky bet to replace Apple's CarPlay with its own infotainment system, gambling on its software group, as carmakers worry over Apple's power (Bloomberg)
2024-06-01 21:48:42

In school we teach that an one should form a claim after carefully examining all the available evidence, and one should provide careful analysis to explain how the evidence supports your claim.
In Trumpworld, one formulates a claim, engages in punditry, bilks the credulous rubes, all while demanding everyone reject the evidence of their own eyes.
2024-03-03 09:50:43

Google Gemini (advanced) is so censored and careful that it doesn’t dare to answer the question how the EU should prepare for a Trump presidency. It illustrates the problem of replacing search with LLMs, the companies become editors of information. Interestingly ChatGPT gives a fine answer,
2024-04-03 08:05:40

If something like that comes from a person like @… , the #FOSS community should listen carefully.
In particular after incidents like #xz and
2024-04-02 00:48:42

2024-03-03 09:18:42

Woke up to an interesting radio programme about increased flooding of croplands in the lower Severn valley.
Farmer was (rightly) going with the flow, switching to pasture and hay from arabble as the grasses withstand the immersion.
However, not mentioned was that this switches from veg and cereals to meat, a further problem.
2024-06-02 09:24:23

A guy is very upset that his first class ticket did not come with a reservation. Gotta look carefully what you are buying, dude. He says he bought it from the ČD site but as far as I see, that offers a reservation automatically without extra cost? Maybe he used some third party site.
2024-04-02 06:24:17

Be VERY careful with default configurations in Symfony aka putting files into config/packages!
Why? Let me tell you a story.
2024-06-02 16:09:13

I find stories like this fascinating in context of the electricty discourse going on in #Alberta.
The Western Interconnection is “our” grid, which includes California (we’re not electrical an island like Texas, despite what some would like you to think).
We talk a lot about “energy” but are we missing the point, to the detriment of our own future?
If we’re not careful, our inve…
2024-04-03 08:43:34

Ho much do you earn as an #LGBTQ propagandist?
I looked at Glassdoor but couldn't find anything.