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2024-11-28 10:44:09

turn of the century chinafakes are something else

A chinafake toy gun that resembles Harry Potter on a broomstick with an owl. One of his hands is pointing at something, and is very large and made out of translucent green plastic with an LED inside. The whole thing is very off-looking, has a weird paint job, and Harry's face is that of an eldritch horror. The whole toy is covered in  minor damage from wear (scratches, paint worn down, etc) and small amounts of grime and dirt here and there, presumably from storage.
A slightly more zoomed-out image of the same toy.
The other side of the toy, which is identical albeit mirrored. It has speaker holes and a model number of "NO.918-20" molded into it.
A close up of the initial side of the toy, but focused more on the lower half and battery compartment this time.
2024-12-16 22:13:30

Wer wissen will, was so schwierig an der Energiewende ist, sollte einfach mal versuchen, so ein Mieterstrom-Modell für Solaranlagen zu verstehen.
Man darf den Strom nicht einfach so nutzen. Man braucht einen „Enabler“, der einem den Strom abkauft und dann wieder zurückverkauft.
Und das soll die neue, vereinfachte Variante sein, bei der man kein Unternehmen mehr gründen muss, um sich selbst den Strom zu verkaufen.
2024-12-10 07:00:23

«Nextcloud Talk – Open-Source-Tool will Microsoft Teams ablösen:
Mit dem Paris-Update erhält Nextcloud Talk einen Desktop-Client. Generative KI soll digitale Meetings effizienter gestalten.»
Wenn @… von der Masse der Industrie wie ua zB auch @…
2024-11-19 14:41:30

After wearing my cargo pants yesterday and being spoiled by decent sized pockets (I could fit my phone in the front pocket, keys, and lipstick without it falling out when I sit) I’m pissed again about the pockets in my current pants, back pocket I can only put my hand up to my second knuckle in the back (might fit a lipstick but it would fall out) and the front ones, stuff keeps falling out when I sit. I’m going to lengthen the pockets based on the cargo pants pockets, I don’t care if it ‘ruins the line of the pants, and adds bulkiness’ because as I always say, women’s pockets, when pants have them, are bullshit. And I don’t care if they make me look fat because I value function and comfort more. My son can fit a whole keyboard in his. I’ve been gradually lengthening my pockets as I get to them, or wearing a Fanny pack, but had to go to a funeral Sunday and got pissed again about my pockets. I want to empower other women with decent pockets, so we can take over. That poem about seditious pockets comes to mind. Or at least carry phones and keys. Will post photos. #sewing #pockets #womenspants
2024-12-18 04:55:35

About those massive Russian losses of equipment near Kursk... looks like Ukraine released video of it.
Considering that Russia only has about 5-2 odds on that front, well... I don't think things are going all that well. Whatever gains they are making are just too expensive.
2024-11-10 10:27:24

Series A, Episode 03 - Cygnus Alpha
BLAKE: Well, I doubt whether we'd understand the manuals, so go ahead and try one. Go on.
JENNA: Well, don't blame me if it's self-destruct. B7B2
2024-12-12 12:20:16

«Kritische Infrastruktur–Bund muss mehr in Cybersicherheit investieren:
Das eidgenössische Parlament pocht nach dem Xplain-Skandal auf verbindliche Cybersicherheitsprüfungen wichtiger Produkte und rennt damit bei der Landesregierung offene Türen ein»
Unter anderem wäre zB das blinde Vertrauen in IT-Verkäufer sehr wohl zu überlegen und nicht alles nur kurzsichtig anzunehmen.
2024-12-15 20:59:45

Gestern wurden zwei SPD-Wahlkämpfer von verirrten Nazis zusammengeprügelt. Die Schlägertypen wollten wohl zur Demo?
Hatten die Lichtenberg mit Lichterfelde verwechselt? Dummheit macht leider nicht weniger gefährlich.