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2024-07-01 15:56:56

(1/2) This is unusual and disturbing: My Facebook account was suddenly suspended today for “violating community standards.” The automated menus for the appeal do not indicate what standards were allegedly violated or which post(s) were allegedly contentious.
I had not posted on the EdCampOKC Facebook page for awhile, and just shared a post there about the web domain expiring, so that’s the most logical culprit.
The FB ban appeal process did not ask me to explain or provide any ba…

Notification of a suspended Facebook account, showing the account holder's name and photo. It explains the suspension, the reasons behind it, and the steps to appeal within 180 days before permanent disablement.
2024-09-13 08:28:35

Series C, Episode 07 - Children of Auron
DERAL: Ionic beams only?
SERVALAN: Just to disable, cause minimum damage. [into comm] Clinic, bring the disease pathogens now. [to Deral] I want that pilot alive. Alive and vulnerable. B7B2
2024-07-17 20:19:59

#LunaLMS now utilises sticky scrolling to keep the roadmap in view as much as possible when scrolling through a course page.
Something we learned from our #Fachgruppe with learning disabilities over at @…

A screen capture of a Luna LMS example course. It showcases how, using sticky scrolling, the course roadmap on the left stays in view when scrolling through a longer page of text within a course.
2024-07-11 12:48:02

It was time for a little engineering cleanup for #LunaLMS .
The branches now align better to common usage: "development" for merged feature branches, "beta" for actual beta testing.
Also, I now manage customised test branches outside of the official repository.

A graph of branches and commits in the Luna LMS repository. The branches development, beta, report, fachgruppe and documentation are displayed. Branch report has been merged in beta, which in turn has been merged in development.
2024-07-02 19:09:38

Today I live streamed a "draft book chapter via video" on "Audio Interviews and Podcasting" for my forthcoming book, "Pocket Share Jesus: Be a Digital Witness for Christ." The recording is an hour long and archived on YouTube:

A diverse group of people are engaged in a podcasting and audio interview discussion in a cozy room. Various recording equipment is on the table, and some participants use laptops and smartphones. The wall displays information about podcasting. The image includes the text “