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2024-05-31 18:50:23

'I’m too interested in wealth inequality, public ownership and Palestine to be welcomed in today’s Labour party."
And #Faiza was the choice of the CLP selection committee - trampled underfoot by the right wing clique now in control of #UKLabour.
I was mistreated – and that’s why hundre…
2024-05-30 21:47:12

Faiza Shaheen / Labour Party 3/n
It reminds me of how Munroe Bergdorf was treated by Childline.
If someone's representing your organisation, and they say something you think is wrong, then unless it's very very bad, the first port of call should be to support them in walking it back, in a "this is a chance to educate _everyone_" kind of way.
And there definitely are racist & sexist patterns in who does get the benefit of that grace, vs who gets blamed & ditched.
#FaizaShaheen #LabourParty
2024-05-30 10:00:51

This is what a candidate unacceptable to the #UKLabour Party's controlling cabal looks like.
The excellent Faiza Shaheen.

Woman of South Asian heritage (Faiza Shaheen) with her baby.
2024-05-30 21:37:44

Faiza Shaheen / Labour Party 2/n
The thing about the "likes"... It isn't that those kinds of things could never be taken into account. It's that the _time_ for that was back when she joined Labour, or back when she started campaigning as a candidate. You bring it up, and if the person agrees, they take off the like, and apologise or whatever.
You don't let someone put in hundreds of hours of work, and then spring this on them weeks before the election!
#FaizaShaheen #LabourParty
2024-06-06 10:51:30

Faiza Shaheen - interview-based article
So apparently Faiza Shaheen is now standing as an independent! Hope she wins.
Bit more here about how the deselection process unfolded, and other things she's done in the past.
#FaizaShaheen #LabourParty
2024-06-05 19:56:08

So it was the JLM behind Faiza's deselection.
To those saying she's handing the party to Tory IDS, the right wing/Zionist clique had already done that by deselecting her.
Faiza Shaheen to fight for Chingford seat as an Independent | Morning Star
2024-06-06 17:48:34

"Rather than maintain a safe distance and operate as a “machine politician” ... Faiza has tramped the streets to talk to people about local issues, earning a great deal of respect as a result. The fact that the #LabourParty has so easily brushed aside this work by deselecting Faiza suggests a basic lack of awareness of the very problems that they are claiming to have the remedies for.
2024-06-04 14:06:49

“Once again, Keir Starmer’s hyper-factional war on the Left has created an almighty mess for Labour. In Faiza Shaheen Labour had a respected, popular, local candidate democratically selected by local party members. But ... Starmer’s allies decided to purge [her] on spurious grounds and parachute in one of their own clique from outside the constituency."
#FaizaShaheen resigns from
2024-06-07 20:27:07

#FaizaShaheen's very effective election video.