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2024-05-04 20:39:14

RL Huber
"Memories of Falling"
2024-04-06 15:40:51

On Thursday afternoon I was interviewed by Shaun (brindle) and Dotty (black/white) so they could check I would be able to serve them to the standard they require when their primary humans are away.
Dotty still a little unsure, though my treat dispensing abilities were acceptable. Shaun was sold after the first ear scritch.
I shall be seeing them again soon!

A photo of the head and shoulders of a light brindle greyhound boy facing left to right and looking at the camera
A full length photo of a light brindle greyhound boy facing left to right, looking off to the right head raised. He's standing outside on a paved garden patio and his tail is wagging.
A photo of the head of a black and white cow pattern greyhound girl. She stands pressed against the hip opf a human looking back to the left with her tongue licking her snout.
A photo of the front half of a black and white cow pattern greyhound girl standing left to right and looking up at the photographer. Her snout and body is mostly white, with black areas around both ears and eyes and a large black patch on her right flank.
2024-05-05 13:44:00

This weekend it's "days of open atelier" in Brandenburg country. We've visited the wonderful place of Silke Schmidt. It's quite magical #Uckermark

Four-panel image showing sketches of a girl with flowing hair and birds flying around on the first two panels, and a sketch of a seated woman reflected in a mirror on the third panel. The fourth panel depicts the reflection of the girl sketch blurred as if
Artwork depicting a line drawing of a young girl's face with a bird perched to the right, set against a blue-gradient background, displayed on a wall.
A framed painting depicting an interior scene with a chandelier is displayed on a surface, with another artwork partially visible in the background.
2024-06-05 16:30:04

Can you name these CONVICTED FELONS?
2024-04-06 09:38:00
Content warning:

It's the #DayOfDionysos here at Erotic Mythology! 🍇
"Let us be merry and drink wine and sing of Bakkhos [#Dionysos], the inventor of the choral dance, the lover of all songs, leading the same life as the Erotes, the darling of Kythere [Aphrodite as goddess of pleasure]."

Fresco of Dionysos, photographed from the entry to the room. The god is standing, holding his thyrsos in one hand and probably a cup in the other but it has sadly been damaged. He is depicted with long, curly hair flowing over his shoulders and the same complexion as Venus, underlining his effeminacy.
2024-04-05 09:27:35

Ein paar Tage im wilden Westen der Toskana unterwegs per Eisenbahn. Perfekter Ausgangspunkt war das Hotel Gran Tourismo am Bahnhof Grosseto dessen Rezeption schon wie eine Empfangshalle wirkt. Von dort fahren Züge bis Rom, Pisa, nach Tarquinia, Follonica, Siena oder Paganico oder der Bus an den Strand. Auch Regionalzüge, für die es ein günstiges 3- oder 5-Tagesticket gibt. Zurück fahren wir über La Spezia, Genua und ab Mailand per Nacht-Flixbus nach Bregenz. Der Weg ist unser Ziel.

Reception of Hotel Gran Tourismo Grosseto
Tarquinia Museo Nazionale
2024-03-06 19:40:11
Content warning: #USpol

Good article on yesterday's voting results for POTUS.
I keep thinking of how the media is pushing these (inaccurate) polls. I expect it to be a key context for the inevitable shenanigans we'll see from Republicans.
They'll claim voter fraud (as always), find a way to push some swing state vote counts to the courts --> SCOTUS --> installation.
And even non-partisans will refer back to "all those polls over the past few months showed it was really cl…

Text from article: 

So, to sum up, the pollsters are using the 1% “weirdos” who bother to complete polls, whom they know are political extremists, to create datasets and publish polls that are way, way off, creating totally false narratives and expectations.

Pollsters can’t be too openly critical of their own industry because that would put them out of a job. But these polls are so useless and wrong that the public is actually worse off from being told about them at all.

If the national poll…
2024-03-06 04:18:35

Data modeling is hard!
The first photo, uploaded to #WikimediaCommons, is of a painting depicting a Philippines Historical Committee marker (shown in the second photo) that commemorates a public square that is named after a doctor.
The doctor, the plaza, and the marker all have #Wikidata

Painting of a historical marker with the following inscription:

Plaza Olivia Salamanca

In memory of Olivia Salamanca, M.D., pioneer woman physician of the Philippines. Born in San Roque, Cavite on 1 July 1889; appointed government scholar in 1905; studied in Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. Died on 11 July 1913. A devoted and competent practitioner, she was a credit to the medical profession and an inspiration to her fellow women.
Small red-granite-clad obelisk bearing a historical marker with the following inscription:

Plaza Olivia Salamanca

In memory of Olivia Salamanca, M.D., pioneer woman physician of the Philippines. Born in San Roque, Cavite on 1 July 1889; appointed government scholar in 1905; studied in Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. Died on 11 July 1913. A devoted and competent practitioner, she was a credit to the medical profession and an inspiration to her fellow women.
2024-04-06 05:00:06

sp_high_school_new: High school dynamic contacts (2011-2012)
These datasets contain the temporal network of contacts between students in a high school in Marseilles, France. The first dataset gives the contacts of the students of three classes during 4 days in Dec. 2011, and the second corresponds to the contacts of the students of 5 classes during 7 days (from a Monday to the Tuesday of the following week) in Nov. 2012.
This network has 180 nodes and 45047 edges.
Tags: Soc…

sp_high_school_new: High school dynamic contacts (2011-2012). 180 nodes, 45047 edges.
2024-04-05 14:30:29

I have a longtime habit of abruptly making a flurry of clicking/popping sounds with my mouth as a way of expressing feelings, fulfilling a similar function to swearing, for example.
However, now that I'm going to college I've been struggling with occasionally starting to do this and then catching myself once I register what's happening. I can't tell if other people aren't bringing it up just to be nice, or really if my feelings of embarrassment are rational. What…

Edited screenshot of a tiktok with text that reads "I love hanging out w ppl that make random noises out of the blue. Like reajdiejdibeep bop boop dinggg to you too babe."