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2024-05-21 18:28:39

Three missed calls from J while I was out walking Bart, so I call back to find out what's up.
Her: Andy (weakly) I… I think I've injured myself
Me: What's happened!?
Her: I think I pulled a muscle in my stomach yesterday
Me: u wot m8
Her: Well the Internet said it might be a hernia but I think it's a pulled muscle
Me: …
Her: I need to learn how to lift things all over again. I feel a bit better now I've told you.
2024-03-22 19:03:58

To quote myself:
Honestly, I think the biggest problem here is that #Python #packaging is infinitely complex and counter-intuitive, which means that anyone involved on either end is surprised to find a very high barrier of entry. The #Gentoo Python Guide has already 300 KiB of .rst files, and it is by no means comprehensive. At this point, distribution developers pretty much can't really package anything written in Python without getting a special training and/or senior developer review, and even senior developers have a hard time following the constantly changing landscape.
At the same time, Python framework in Gentoo has already a bunch of safety checks included to detect the most common pitfalls. Again, it is by no means comprehensive and I keep extending it whenever we discover yet another counterintuitive pitfall. This thread makes me think that we will need to add another check to make sure that PKG-INFO is dealt with when pyproject.toml is patched.
#PEP517 #Hatchling
2024-03-22 19:03:58

To quote myself:
Honestly, I think the biggest problem here is that #Python #packaging is infinitely complex and counter-intuitive, which means that anyone involved on either end is surprised to find a very high barrier of entry. The #Gentoo Python Guide has already 300 KiB of .rst files, and it is by no means comprehensive. At this point, distribution developers pretty much can't really package anything written in Python without getting a special training and/or senior developer review, and even senior developers have a hard time following the constantly changing landscape.
At the same time, Python framework in Gentoo has already a bunch of safety checks included to detect the most common pitfalls. Again, it is by no means comprehensive and I keep extending it whenever we discover yet another counterintuitive pitfall. This thread makes me think that we will need to add another check to make sure that PKG-INFO is dealt with when pyproject.toml is patched.
#PEP517 #Hatchling