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2024-02-28 10:26:53

1) indie studio created
2) indie studio bought
3) hire workers
4) indie studio closed / merged
5) layoff workers
x) indie studio created
2024-01-30 15:19:07

I've been talking to some local bands for an article and out of interest found them on Spotify.
I was only thinking the other day that I don't really discover much new music any more. As somebody whose brain somewhat stopped at 90s indie music and political / riot grrrl / queer stuff (I do listen to other things, but those are my defaults), I do get in a rut.
2024-04-25 12:22:04

🎸 How Deregulation Destroyed Indie Rock Across America
2024-01-30 06:50:54


„Die schwedischen Künstlerinnen und Künstler warfen der EBU nun Doppelmoral vor. Sie wiesen in dem Brief darauf hin, dass nach Russlands Angriff auf die Ukraine im Jahr 2022 keine russischen Musiker am ESC teilnehmen durften,…“
Die wissen aber schon, dass Israel den Krieg nicht begonnen hat, oder?
2024-02-29 19:11:05

Imagine if game studios would open source models of real world buildings, sites, etc. which they have researched for their games (Ubisoft).
Even if they are a decade old data, I wonder if such models could help indie dev studios.
#gaming #gamedesign
2024-02-28 04:53:07

Indie Halen
2024-02-28 11:51:48

My gaming needs are pretty simple. I enjoy old-fashioned dungeon crawlers, turn-based battles and a chance to build my party with treasure, weapons and experience. Also, since I am often playing while other things are going on around me, I need to be able to put it down at a moment’s notice and go do something else. Also, I mostly play on my iPad.
By far the best games I’ve come across are the offerings from Spiderweb Software — the Avernum series and Avadon series. Both offer many, ma…
2024-02-28 16:57:38

I really want to play #stonetop. I also have a rule of not reading the PDF of a book I got a physical copy of until I got the physical copy
Unfortunately the game doesn't seem quite the style that my usual PbtA/FitD group is into
2024-01-30 06:50:54


„Die schwedischen Künstlerinnen und Künstler warfen der EBU nun Doppelmoral vor. Sie wiesen in dem Brief darauf hin, dass nach Russlands Angriff auf die Ukraine im Jahr 2022 keine russischen Musiker am ESC teilnehmen durften,…“
Die wissen aber schon, dass Israel den Krieg nicht begonnen hat, oder?
2024-02-28 04:53:07

Indie Halen