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2024-10-29 14:25:51

Where would I report a product (in the EU, as a private person) with an inherent design issue that is life-threatening? It's in the same vein as a car with a gas pedal that can get stuck by design, so it likely would need a mass recall/fix. It doesn't make sense to report it to the producing company because this company is known to having denied similar issues.
2024-10-28 18:27:10

Bernd: "In dieser Asia-Suppe waren drei Päckchen Zutaten, aber sie ist dennoch total geschmacklos."
Mela: *wackelt mit der Nase* "Vielleicht haben sie alles in den Geruch gesteckt?"
Bernd: "Du meinst, ich habe keinen Geschmack mehr?"
Mela: "Uh … Du hast nicht etwa Covid? Iss mal ein Stück Covid-Testschokolade."
Bernd: "???"
Mela: "Hat doch Lars mehrfach drüber geschrieben. Fast so gut wie ein Schnelltest. Aber wi…
2024-11-29 15:14:16

Just discovered a cool #magit feature: When you write a new commit and mention an issue using the usual hash-notation, it immediately becomes a hyperlink to that issue on GitHub.
Wow! #Emacs
2024-10-30 07:01:39

Ilmus Vikerkaare humanisminumber. Ma ise tõlkisin sinna Marsilio Ficino kirju, mis on üllatavalt tänapäevaselt kõlavad, oli väga lõbus, vahelduseks. Ma tean, et teised asjad, mis seal on, on ka head. Pico della Mirandola kõne on igaljuhul miski, mida peaks lugema igaüks, kes renessanssi perioodi mõtlemisest tahab aimu saada.
2024-10-29 11:03:46

Weniger Social Media, dafür viel gelesen. Drei von den gelesenen Büchern kann ich euch einfach uneingeschränkt empfehlen. So großartige Romane. #Bookstodon #Literatur
2024-09-30 10:03:11

Three tools this morning. Three tools for which the landing page of their official website is "AI-something" written in all caps in a huge font.
Three websites I instantly closed "nope, not gonna read that".
I'm sorry, but who the fuck wants that?
2024-11-30 05:10:17

Chinafake tip: if you visit frequently or have it bookmarked/favorited, you might be able to search it in Safari on iOS by adding "chinafake" before your search query! Try it out!

A screenshot of the search bar in Safari on iOS. Entered into the search box is "chinafake funny crawl spider". The top search suggestion is "Search for 'funny crawl spider'".
2024-10-28 14:11:33

Annan teada, et näidend David Kellnerist tuleb lavale. Ma pole ise tegelikult rohkem näinud kui lugemisproov, seega päris kindel ei ole mida seal näha saab. Üks asi, mida sai nii ja naapidi kaalutud oli pealkiri, lõpuks jäi selline, aga tõsi on see, et ma ise suhtun pealkirjadesse nagu Saussure, kes väitis, et sõnad on vaid kokkuleppelised märgid ja ei tähenda ise midagi. Minul oli tööpealkirjaks lihtsalt Kellner, aga selge see, et sellisega ei ole võimalik reklaami teha. Võib olla, et Sauss…
2024-11-28 10:44:09

turn of the century chinafakes are something else

A chinafake toy gun that resembles Harry Potter on a broomstick with an owl. One of his hands is pointing at something, and is very large and made out of translucent green plastic with an LED inside. The whole thing is very off-looking, has a weird paint job, and Harry's face is that of an eldritch horror. The whole toy is covered in  minor damage from wear (scratches, paint worn down, etc) and small amounts of grime and dirt here and there, presumably from storage.
A slightly more zoomed-out image of the same toy.
The other side of the toy, which is identical albeit mirrored. It has speaker holes and a model number of "NO.918-20" molded into it.
A close up of the initial side of the toy, but focused more on the lower half and battery compartment this time.