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2024-04-30 16:55:12

Journalists are under attack.
There's a bill in the U.S. Senate to strengthen shield laws. If you think that's a good thing, please contact your senators.
You Can Help Protect Journalists

You Can Help Protect Journalists 

A bill to protect journalists has passed the House with strong bi-partisan support. Please let your Senators know you care about journalism, and the PRESS Act.

By Elise Nakhnikian
Apr. 30, 2024

APR 30, 2024
2024-05-30 14:26:03

Pegasus: Putin-kritische Journalisten in der EU mit Spyware angegriffen
Jahrelang sind ins Exil gegangene Journalisten und Aktivisten aus Russland und Belarus mit Spyware angegriffen worden. Ihre iPhones hätten sie schützen können.
2024-05-30 20:57:32

Ukrainian military journalist dies in Sloviansk:
2024-03-30 17:46:01

Abuse of women in journalism is a huge issue that needs tackling but I don't think it should be a police issue
2024-04-30 07:05:34

Tech journalism is often characterized by scandals, sensationalism, and shoddy research, and publishers are reluctant to invest in it without a clear ROI (Timothy B. Lee/Asterisk)
2024-03-30 01:00:36

About bloody time: Playboy image from 1972 gets ban from IEEE computer journals
2024-03-30 14:11:28

Media And Democracy Project: Mapping Your Local Journalist SuperHeroes

Evan Gershkovich is a Wall Street Journal reporter who was detained in Russia on March 29, 2023, while doing his job as a journalist.
He is the American-born son of Soviet-era emigres to the U.S.
Evan learned Russian from his parents and built a career as a journalist focused on the region.
He joined the Journal in January 2022 and before that reported from Moscow for Agence France Press and the Moscow Times.
Evan is a gifted journalist who has reported extensivel…
2024-03-30 01:00:36

About bloody time: Playboy image from 1972 gets ban from IEEE computer journals

Evan Gershkovich is a Wall Street Journal reporter who was detained in Russia on March 29, 2023, while doing his job as a journalist.
He is the American-born son of Soviet-era emigres to the U.S.
Evan learned Russian from his parents and built a career as a journalist focused on the region.
He joined the Journal in January 2022 and before that reported from Moscow for Agence France Press and the Moscow Times.
Evan is a gifted journalist who has reported extensivel…