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2024-03-28 13:15:27

Vielen Dank an @… und @…
2024-03-28 16:07:02

Okay, after some major refactoring and moving some info around it looks much better. Actions are now beside the spell name, and the LaTeX is somewhat more readable. Should be much easier too add spells and feats to the document without thinking too much. #Pathfinder2E #ttrpg

A screenshot of Visual Code Studio showing the LaTeX code that builds out the spell list.  Each spell is in an environment where you provide three bits of info: the spell name, the number of actions, and the spell level.  Inside that environment there are the spellinfo and spellbody environments.
This is the new output of the LaTeX code as a PDF.  Each spell has a title with the actions symbol beside the name and is formatted fairly well.
2024-02-28 06:49:56

Visualizing 2x2 Normal-Form Games: twoxtwogame LaTeX Package
Luke Marris, Ian Gemp, Siqi Liu, Joel Z. Leibo, Georgios Piliouras
2024-02-26 18:05:09

I just created a new Gist to remind myself on how to create index entries that refer to glossary definitions.
2024-03-28 12:40:04

Finishing work up on a new Pathfinder 2E character. Got the background "finished", wrote the spell and feats out. I still have work I want to do on the background, but it's good enough for the GM. #ttrpgs #Pathfinder2E

A screenshot of Visual Code Studio with the LaTeX code for the spell sheet open.  We won't comment on the quality of the code and just be happy it builds.
The result of the LaTeX code for the spell sheet: a PDF.  It shows the first page with Spell List as the chapter name and four cantrips: Electric Arc, Frostbite, Protect Companion, and Shield.  The list is laid out in a two-column layout.  Even managed to track down the Pathfinder 2nd Edition action symbols...
2024-02-19 13:00:22

In some fields, like economics and finance, authors tend to use long variable names comprising one or more full words. These variables often look odd if not outright ugly when set in LaTeX. The same is true of common acronyms used as variables or functions in equations. This post looks at why these terms often look bad in LaTeX equations and how to write them correctly in the LaTeX code so they look good.

When a long variable like ScaledIncome is written directly in math, poor kerning results. The first line of the image shows extra space between the capital I and the lowercase n. This space is removed when the variable is placed in a mathit command, as is shown in the second line of the image.
2024-02-14 15:35:19

#Typst ist einfacher als #LaTeX - GNU/
2024-02-23 15:10:17

# MACRO: oxeast (eval (let ((result "") (slug "# begin_export latex\n\\only<%d>{\\includegraphics[width=.9\\linewidth]{../oxeast%d.png}}%%\n# end_export\n")) (dotimes (i (string-to-number $1)) (setq result (concat result (format slug (1 i) (1 i))))) result))
2024-02-23 13:27:21

Wow, I just accidentally discovered that #matplotlib allows some limited latex in label strings. At least $x$ works!
2024-02-17 20:06:08

Woah, I found a bug in latex!! If you make a (web) type by writing \em{} instead of \emph{} the entire paragraph is displayed in italic.
Latex does not have bugs normally.. 😅
2024-04-08 08:16:21

Learning #LaTeX properly with A Guide to LaTeX and electronic publishing, 4/e by Kopka and Daly.
2024-03-21 11:00:01

I am more fluent in LaTeX than in plotmath expression. If you are the same, latex2exp will make your life easier.
2024-03-16 21:59:32

VERY disappointed in GitHub refusing to support the LaTeX `\colorbox` (outright banned) or `\textcolor` macros (seemingly only very limited support) or any CSS solution to allow one to create colored text in Markdown files... I was hoping to create color swatches as shown in the attached preview (in VSCode), but just none of this works on GitHub...
(And yes, I understand there're some potential accessibility issues, but there're more social solutions to address these than an ou…

Screenshot of VSCode split-screen editor of a Markdown file containing a long list of colors. The left pane shows the MD source code, the right pane the rendered preview, incl. color swatches (as background colors)
2024-02-06 13:35:09

@… I agree that LaTeX isn't the future, but I don't think it's only virtue signaling. Sure, LaTeX is part of some disciplinary cultures, but the publishing workflows are also technically and organizationally dependent on authors being able to produce “camera-ready” papers.‬
2024-02-06 13:35:09

@… I agree that LaTeX isn't the future, but I don't think it's only virtue signaling. Sure, LaTeX is part of some disciplinary cultures, but the publishing workflows are also technically and organizationally dependent on authors being able to produce “camera-ready” papers.
2024-02-23 15:09:53

I'm pleased with myself. I'm trying to fake animation in Beamer slides using overlays. Fiddly, 1 line per each of multiple images. In org-mode.
But I've discovered org-mode macros, which can handle arbitrary emacs-lisp, so I can do it with one macro and a single invocation (with the number of images as a parameter).
Layering 3-ish languages (org-mode, e-lisp, Beamer-latex) isn't ideal, but it works. I just put
{{{oxeast 14}}}
in my org file and get t…

Animation of beamer slides showing a polygon being drawn, edge by edge.
2024-03-15 20:45:16

#LaTeX did a lot of good but also a lot of harm. One of my "favorite" is that it taught millions to do unbelievably ugly tables (mostly because nobody reads beyond a 1 page tutorial on tables).
2024-03-06 13:12:52

ich habe ein 10-seitiges latex dokument mit mehreren sections und bildern und tabellen und pdflatex wirft KEINE fehler 😳
2024-04-16 13:20:01

This month’s Notes on Editing newsletter just went out with a trick for putting footnotes in Word’s text boxes, a note on upcoming changes to AP Stylebook and Chicago Manual of Style, and an update on new additions to my LaTeX course.
If you’re interested, check it out and maybe sign up for future issues:
2024-03-08 16:27:59

The worst language I ever had to use is that of TeX/LaTeX. (Perl is a close second. HTML5 CSS Javascript is striving to surpass the two.)
But at least TeX lets you do things you cannot do with any other software.
The worst language IN RELATION TO WHAT IT CAN DO must be the git command line interface. Proof: the sheer number of websites that try to explain how you do even the simplest operations, like creating a branch or uploading your changes. All in vain...
2024-03-16 21:59:32

VERY disappointed in GitHub refusing to support the LaTeX `\colorbox` (outright banned) or `\textcolor` macros (seemingly only very limited support) or any CSS solution to allow one to create colored text in Markdown files... I was hoping to create color swatches as shown in the attached preview (in VSCode), but just none of this works on GitHub...
(And yes, I understand there're some potential accessibility issues, but there're more social solutions to address these than an ou…

Screenshot of VSCode split-screen editor of a Markdown file containing a long list of colors. The left pane shows the MD source code, the right pane the rendered preview, incl. color swatches (as background colors)
2024-03-02 12:03:27

TIL about
Pretty neat service to share executed #Jupyter #notebooks and annotations with others
It even comes with

2024-02-08 16:17:16

#today my joy is unbounded (from below) as I shuffle text from one journal's LaTeX tempate to another, with different things broken in each, obvs. #TeXLaTeX
2024-01-31 05:38:38

WikiTexVC: MediaWiki's native LaTeX to MathML converter for Wikipedia
Johannes Stegmüller, Moritz Schubotz
2024-04-07 23:22:05

A side effect of my current uni math course is that I've gotten the motivation to learn how to write equations in LaTex, since I'm keeping my notes in markdown. I love killing multiple birds with one stone.
2024-02-12 07:01:21

Reducing model complexity by means of the Optimal Scaling: Population Balance Model for latex particles morphology formation
Simone Rusconi, Christina Schenk, Arghir Zarnescu, Elena Akhmatskaya
2024-04-03 06:48:05

From Seaweed to Security: The Emergence of Alginate in Compromising IoT Fingerprint Sensors
Pouria Rad, Gokila Dorai, Mohsen Jozani
2024-02-13 21:10:20

Friends don't let friends use $...$ to get italics in LaTeX.
(This message has been brought to you by the Society for the Prevention of Ugly Kerning.)
2024-03-30 09:38:24

🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #MechanicalBreakdown
May Diem:
🎵 Latex