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2024-05-16 01:39:18

My money's on this being unconstitutional.
North Carolina could ban face masks for medical reasons in public | The Hill
2024-04-15 11:40:19

A team of physical oceanographic scientists on the South Africa research #icebreaker S.A. Agulhas-II used stereo-cameras to directly measure self-amplification of wind #waves in the Southern Ocean, which can produce rogue waves.
2024-04-15 20:14:16

I’m old enough to remember when these jurists worried about their credibility.
”The Court could still restore the First Amendment right to protest in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas in a future case.
“For the time being, however, the Fifth Circuit’s Mckesson decision remains good law in those three states. And that means that anyone who organizes a political protest within the Fifth Circuit risks catastrophic financial liability.”
2024-06-15 20:14:55

Anyone else kinda like the idea of a game which just plays it's self, kinda like Conway's game of life but more dimensions and the characters are somewhat intelligent.
Seems like a nice idea to just watch stuff evolve and come up with cool stuff.
Note: by intelligence I do mean AI but not hype stuff.. just to have a game that plays itself that's not too easy to predict what's gonna happen. If anyone makes this, don't just ai hype it... Actually make a good ga…
2024-04-11 16:39:58

Without intentional synthesis, "data driven" always means validating the biases baked into your semantic environment.
Data points that don't fit an org's established assumptions are easily swept under the rug.
Anyone interested in real insights needs to go data gathering and adopt a synthesis process that allows them to holistically inhabit that data, and intentionally curate a receptive semantic environment.
2024-06-14 07:16:35

Scalable and Flexible Causal Discovery with an Efficient Test for Adjacency
Alan Nawzad Amin, Andrew Gordon Wilson
2024-04-11 16:39:58

Without intentional synthesis, "data driven" always means validating the biases baked into your semantic environment.
Data points that don't fit an org's established assumptions are easily swept under the rug.
Anyone interested in real insights needs to go data gathering and adopt a synthesis process that allows them to holistically inhabit that data, and intentionally curate a receptive semantic environment.

Does anyone have a spare head of lettuce for comparison purposes?
Narendra Modi faces first coalition test as allied parties demand cabinet seats
2024-04-06 15:04:26

'The Kremlin has a particular hatred of Protestants and evangelical Christians and Moscow sees anyone affiliated with US churches as "foreign agents."'
Why Russians Called Exorcist for Ukrainian POW Who Was an Evangelical Christian