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2024-02-26 17:25:28

"alguns ministros, como Gilmar Mendes, chegaram a sustentar em suas decisões individuais que os contratos firmados entre aplicativos e motoristas ou entregadores teriam natureza civil, e não trabalhista.
"As consequências serão catastróficas. A possibilidade de assinar contratos civis sem desfrutar de direitos trabalhistas significarš que todo empregad…
2024-04-19 22:25:45

Read Max Azzarello Manifesto About Lighting Himself on Fire at Trump Trial (Kaitlin Lewis/Newsweek)
2024-04-26 11:39:47

#BinfaceForLondon #MakeEarthGreatAgain

Count Binface's manifesto. I wish I could type it all, but trust me, it's hilarz'
2024-03-22 02:26:43

Once you've written a manifesto, that's it, I would imagine.
2024-01-30 17:09:56

Here’s Cory Doctorow’s (@…) essential manifesto. How it all got this bad; and why we don’t have to give up. Pretty much everyone needs to absorb this. #Enshittification
2024-03-08 16:49:06

Want to get into art buying? Forget ponzi-NFTs, buy cool art instead. Check out this ebay feed (I have no connection). There are many others. Small, signed print objects are still affordable. How about a manifesto signed by Marinetti for $375?
2024-02-06 21:35:05

It does seem that someone with a manifesto might be hard to talk to.