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2024-12-18 05:31:28

I had mentioned that Russian freight trucks weren't doing well, but... things are getting uglier.
Large numbers of them are getting out of the business entirely, or trying to downsize their truck fleets due, in part, to the high key rate and general unprofitability of trucking in Russia under current circumstances.
They're even facing high incidences of non-payment by their clients!
2024-11-23 19:32:24

Today is the 100th anniversary of Edwin Hubble discovering that those fuzzy clouds were actually other galaxies! #lookup #space #Astronomy

New York Times from Sunday, November 23, 1924. A headline reads: Finds spiral nebula are stellar systems, Dr. Hubbell Confirms View That They Are 'Island Universes'
Similar to Our Own.
2025-01-24 18:47:00

Interessant, wie hier die #Parteispenden aussehen.
Seht ihr wie disproportional die Spenden der #cdu und #fdp im Vergleich zu ihren Umfragenprozenten sind?
Währe das alles fair, müssten die

Graph der Parteispenden

-BSW: 50.000€
-FW: 118.000€
-Grüne: 740.000€
-SPD: 975.000€
-Volt: 1 Millionen
-AfD: 1,5 Millionen
-FDP: 4 Millionen
-CDU: 6,9 Millionen
2024-11-23 20:50:37

Finally finished building this prototyping station, for designing synthesizer circuits from scratch. Super excited to start using it! #diysynth #electronics
2025-01-15 17:29:02

#IMPRS alumna Meike Fischer's paper featuring prominently in #UniGöttingen and #MPSgoettingen's press release about
The Moon: a chunk ejected from Earth?
2024-11-09 11:42:51

Können wir uns Demokraten bitte auf eine würdige Diskussionskultur einigen? Das ist doch absoluter Kindergarten auf eine legitime Bewerbung auf ein politisches Amt in derart unsachlicher Art und Weise zu reagieren. Lasst das doch die Wählenden entscheiden und stellt bessere Kandidaten, die für konsensfähige Inhalte werben und überlasst dieses Niveau den Populisten! #Habeck

Robert Habeck vor dem Bundestag
2024-11-07 17:29:19

C08 - Rumours of Death
[Avon and Tarrant break into Servalan's empty office, and leave. They then break into Surveillance. Avon shakes Grenlee in his chair.]
AVON: Hey! Wake up! [Grenlee groans throughout.] Where is Servalan? Where is Servalan!?

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts an intense scene in a futuristic control room or spaceship setting, with several monitoring screens visible in the background. Two individuals are at the center of the scene, where one appears to be aggressively holding the other by the collar. The room's design and the characters' attire suggest a science fiction context, possibly from a television show or film.

Unfortunately, I can't identify or provide names of the individuals in the image…
2025-01-23 17:05:26

Das zeigt wieder einmal, wie wichtig politische und politikhistorische Bildung ist.
Anscheinend wussten 40% der befragten nicht, dass 6m Juden im #Holocaust gestorben sind.
15% glauben, dass es unter 2m waren, 2%, also jeder 50ste glaubt nichtmal an den Holocaust.
Kein Wunder, dass sich bei dieser schrecklichen