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2024-10-20 07:08:11

Die #CDU will die #Mittelschicht entlasten, indem sie den #Spitzensteuersatz anhebt? 🧐
2024-08-21 11:49:03

…"something #magical about a #TotalLunarEclipse? Not exactly … a dazzling spectacle & #celestial sign that works well for syncing up folks in far-flung time zones & corners of the planet … the
2024-10-19 14:39:26

Ich will mal wieder mein Glück mit #Linux probieren. Früher hatte ich einen relativ alten Laptop und habe #MXLinux benutzt, aber inzwischen hätte ich lieber eine Distribution, die etwas mehr Up to Date ist (die aktuelle Version von MX Linux läuft mit Kernel 6.1, der offenbar meinen WiFi-Adapter nicht unte…
2024-11-12 20:45:32

"De resolutie bevat .. maatregelen om antisemitisme harder te straffen, zoals .. het verbieden van organisaties die oproepen tot een #boycot van #Israël"
"Iemand die Duitser wil worden, moet kunnen aantonen dat hij het bestaansrecht van Israël accepteert.."
".. B…
2024-11-05 10:46:38

"Hey, gran'kids, did you know there was a time when the AI was just *a part of* the game engine - not the *other* way around? ..." 👴 #DecartEtched #Minecraft #gameinAI

Screenshot of a video game hallucinated inside of an AI engine. A title above reads "Everything you see is AI generated in real-time by Decart and Etched". You can see a red flower in the middle of a green grassy field with mountains in the back, and a Minecraft-style inventory and health indicators at the bottom, as well as a summary of controls.
2024-09-14 10:12:16

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 08 - Duel
SINOFAR: They have been recharged. I will see that your ship gets away.
BLAKE: Another reason why I didn't kill Travis: I would have enjoyed it. B7B1
2024-09-09 09:04:30

Nach monatelangen Tests der "Einspurigkeit" auf dem Schlosswall in #Osnabrück ohne nennenswerte Probleme für den motorisierten Individualverkehr (#MIV) kann nun eine Fahrspur auf dem Schlosswall für den #Radverkehr

Schlosswall in Osnabrück. Im Bereich des Willy Brandt Platz besteht seit Monaten eine Baustelle. Schwenk in Richtung Johannisstraße.
2024-10-11 13:22:05

From ⁨⁨⁨⁨⁨#AnnafromUkraine⁩⁩⁩⁩⁩
Ukrainian journalist #ViktoriaRoshchyna, who had gone missing in Russian-occupied territories, has been confirmed dead while in Russian captivity, Ukrainian authorities reported on October 10. Prior to

Ukrainian journalist Viktoria Roshchyna.
2024-11-11 07:09:15

#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 08 - Games
TARRANT: Well not exactly. These things chuck the lot at you. Flying the real thing's nothing after one of these.
GAMBIT: Countdown eight minutes, still running.
2024-09-14 08:10:54

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 05 - The Web
BLAKE: I don't give a damn about your power cells. There's a friend of mine out there.
[He turns and runs for the main entrance of the complex. Geela and Novara intercept him near the exit.] NOVARA/GEELA: [Simultaneously] We will help.] B7B1