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2025-01-18 09:04:51

« Penser que des algorithmes ou des campagnes politiques Š coups de millions peuvent menacer ou acheter un vote en Suisse, c’est bien mal connaître la maturité démocratique de notre pays. »
Penser que les citoyens suisses ne peuvent pas être manipulés par des algorithmes, c’est bien mal connaître la nature humaine et la force de frappe de ces plateformes.
Ping @…
2024-11-20 17:56:45

really surprised to see all this traction around #bluesky right now. not sure what to make of it WRT fediverse and mastodon. kind of bums me out that people are not migrating here.
2024-12-08 16:20:05

Just migrated here from @…, if u got a follow request then that's why :ablobcatattention:
I'll make an introduction toot soon, and am figuring out how to do all the account migration stuff ^-^
2024-11-20 12:54:00

Got a watt meter and measured my amd a4 that I use as a server and 35w when I am doing almost nothing.
Looking at options and the dell wyse 5070 has more performance with less power usage. The amd a4 trully sucks
2024-12-06 22:49:20

I posted the assortment of tools I've found for #Bluesky in this post including 3rd pty Bluesky clients, list/starter pack mgmt tools, Twitter migration tools & statistics reports. (Also the #Microsoft #StarterPacks