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2024-06-16 16:20:42

Saw three sirenating po-po-mobiles swooping into Southwark Park about half an hour ago. Something must have kicked off but everyone looked really chill when I cycled through about 5 minutes prior to the siren beasts.
2024-06-18 16:03:16

Branded ‘Foreign Agents,’ Wives and Mothers of Mobilized Russian Soldiers Face Uncertain Future - The Moscow Times
2024-06-18 21:17:17
Content warning: Pol Fr Mobilisation Front Pop sur les réseaux

Hello les gens. Je souhaite aporter modestement ma pierre Š la mobilisation, mais quand je vois les réseaux de militants proposer sur une boucle Telegram des kits de campagne, argumentaires, vidéos, visios uniquement sur X, Insta, Facebook, Zoom... je me sens un peu exclu, n'ayant rien de tout ça. Quelqu'un connaît des réseaux militants libristes, ou proposerait des passerelles libres vers ces infos ? (déjŠ que Telegram, j'y comprends que d'alle)
2024-06-18 19:05:43

I'm attending Climate Action PA's event, “Unpacking the Farm Bill: Climate Smart and Food System Solutions” - sign up now to join me!
#VoteForClimate #ClimateChange

Three large crypto firms have banded together to finance a group of affiliated super PACs,
investing about $150 million to elect pro-crypto candidates in congressional races.
The PACs are not planning to participate in the presidential election, a spokesman for the groups said.
But top crypto executives have tried to mobilize the industry behind Mr. Trump, who has reciprocated by praising digital currencies and hosting executives at Mar-a-Lago.
2024-06-18 19:40:48
