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2024-03-27 09:11:00

Embracing #OpenTelemetry: A Step-by-Step guide to transitioning from #Micrometer to OpenTelemetry using #SpringBoot and Buildpacks
2024-04-27 16:08:06

How many practising doctors are on the UK register of sex offenders?
Over 100 according to the excellent Dr Peter Wilmshurst, in this blog:
2024-03-27 00:14:05

Sex offender, fired Jags employee gets 220 years
2024-04-27 00:25:08 Wie das BMI den souveränen Arbeitsplatz auf die lange Bank schiebt
2024-03-27 20:39:00

EuGH setzt DSA durch: Amazon muss Werbearchiv öffentlich machen
Die übergeordneten Ziele des Digital Services Act (DSA) sind vorerst wichtiger als Eigeninteressen Amazons, sagt der EuGH. Das Hauptverfahren dauert an.​
2024-04-27 09:46:03

Pas peut fier de moi - Proud of myself.
20k quest answered in #streetcomplete
Vingt mille quêtes !!!
#osm #opendata

Screenshot of 20k.
Ive mostly worked in France, flags of countries I did streetcomplete usa France sapin greece NL ne Germany canada uk
Quest I answered grouped by how many
2024-03-27 13:56:38

“Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, opened the detailed 25-page report, Anatomy of a Genocide, by stating: ‘After five months of military operations, Israel has destroyed Gaza.’”
2024-03-27 04:11:19

Sex offender, ex-Jaguars employee who hacked jumbotron sentenced to 220 years in prison