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2024-12-26 09:25:50

Producer Peertube|Fediverse Channels CASBT: Краткая профессиональная справка: Наталья Ивановна Касперская — одна из наиболее известных фигур в сфере кибербезопасности
2025-01-24 18:47:00

Interessant, wie hier die #Parteispenden aussehen.
Seht ihr wie disproportional die Spenden der #cdu und #fdp im Vergleich zu ihren Umfragenprozenten sind?
Währe das alles fair, müssten die

Graph der Parteispenden

-BSW: 50.000€
-FW: 118.000€
-Grüne: 740.000€
-SPD: 975.000€
-Volt: 1 Millionen
-AfD: 1,5 Millionen
-FDP: 4 Millionen
-CDU: 6,9 Millionen
2024-12-09 11:36:27

«Gesetz für EU-weite Produkthaftung – Hersteller von Hard- und Software haften für Fehler:
[,…] Nutzt ein Anbieter Open-Source-Komponenten in einem kommerziell angebotenen Softwareprodukt, kann dieser Anbieter für aufgetretene Schäden haftbar gemacht werden. […]»
Spannend und mMn sehr positiv aber werden auch Staaten in Europa außerhalb der EU dem auch nachgehen oder reden sich die US-Firmen raus?
2024-12-18 00:10:39

The head of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets, Anatoly Aksakov, is urging the widespread adoption of food ration cards for the poor, who are judged not to have pensions large enough to support themselves, due to inflation.
As has been the norm lately, the central government wants to push the cost of ration cards on to both shopkeepers and local governments, as much as is possible.
2024-11-20 15:19:23

Bag making in progress. Joining ends to bodies for some tube/duffel shaped purses. Drinking tea, settling into the studio, and getting on with it #handmade #sewing #bagsewing

Parts for a vinyl bag being assembled, blue, red, green pieces, and a finished black and white tube duffel shaped purse
Orange, blue, and red vinyl bag pieces being assembled into a star tube duffel shaped purses. Plier stapler and blue handles pliers.
Assembling parts for a star tube/duffle shaped vinyl bag, with plier stapler and pliers. Orange, red, and blue vinyl pieces.
2025-01-09 23:46:34

There is a long and storied history of whistles for protection. Ancient Egyptian guards used to place a blade of grass between the thumbs to alert other guards of issues that were transpiring. Later, shells were used to the same end. In China, acorns with holes drilled in them were used similarly.
As a dedicated instrument, whistles have been made of wood, bone, metal, and later, plastics. British bobbies have used whistles to communicate over distances since the 1880s. They are a commonly used tool for boatswains, crossing guards, and referees.
I wish I knew more about rape whistles, but they seem similar in functionality to hikers taking whistles with them in case of injury, as the sound carries much further than yelling, and is much less tiring.
As someone regularly stalked by a large creepy harasser, I am grateful for the whistle I was given for self-protection, even if the creeps who it was given to defend against resent the fuck out of it.
2024-12-12 12:20:16

«Kritische Infrastruktur–Bund muss mehr in Cybersicherheit investieren:
Das eidgenössische Parlament pocht nach dem Xplain-Skandal auf verbindliche Cybersicherheitsprüfungen wichtiger Produkte und rennt damit bei der Landesregierung offene Türen ein»
Unter anderem wäre zB das blinde Vertrauen in IT-Verkäufer sehr wohl zu überlegen und nicht alles nur kurzsichtig anzunehmen.