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2024-05-30 14:26:03

Pegasus: Putin-kritische Journalisten in der EU mit Spyware angegriffen
Jahrelang sind ins Exil gegangene Journalisten und Aktivisten aus Russland und Belarus mit Spyware angegriffen worden. Ihre iPhones hätten sie schützen können.
2024-05-30 12:45:29

An investigation finds seven Russian and Belarusian journalists and activists who were targeted and/or infected by Pegasus between August 2020 and January 2023 (The Citizen Lab)
2024-05-30 19:25:58

New on my blog: The dead weight of packages in #Gentoo
You’ve probably noticed it already: Gentoo developers are overwhelmed. There is a lot of unresolved bugs. There is a lot of unmaintained packages. There is a lot of open pull requests. This is all true, but it’s all part of a larger problem, and a problem that doesn’t affect Gentoo alone.
It’s a problem that any major project is going to face sooner or later, and especially a project that’s almost entirely relying on volunteer work. It’s a problem of bitrot, of different focus, of energy deficit. And it is a very hard problem to solve.
2024-04-29 11:22:03

Research paper tests how many Arch Linux packages are reproducible - FOSS Outpost
2024-05-31 14:42:10

Polnischer Geheimdienst prüft Falschmeldung
Nach einer Falschmeldung über eine angebliche Teilmobilmachung in Polen prüft der Inlandsgeheimdienst, ob die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur PAP Ziel eines russischen Cyberangriffs geworden ist. "Alles deutet darauf hin, dass wir es mit einer Cyberattacke zu tun haben, die von der russischen Seite aus gesteuert wurde", sagte der polnische Digitalisierungsmi…
2024-05-30 18:55:41

Exiled Russian, Belarusian opposition journalists targeted with Pegasus spyware

Critics of Putin and his allies targeted with hacking software
At least seven journalists and activists who have been vocal critics of the Kremlin and its allies
have been targeted inside the EU by a state using Pegasus,
the hacking spyware made by Israel’s NSO Group, according to a new report by security researchers.
The targets of the hacking attempts
– who were first alerted to the attempted cyber-intrusions after receiving threat notifications from Apple on…
2024-03-30 11:00:01

Primer to get you started with Optimization and Mathematical Programming in R #rstats
2024-05-30 18:55:41

Exiled Russian, Belarusian opposition journalists targeted with Pegasus spyware

While most quasiparticles with fractional charges are attributable to composite fermions,
certain fractions with odd numerators, like the 5/2 and 7/2 states,
may involve stranger quasiparticles called non-abelian anyons.
Wind two of these around each other, and their states change, keeping a record of this winding.
If these anyons could be isolated and “braided,”
a controlled operation to wind their paths,
they could form the ideal quantum bits needed fo…