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2024-02-27 08:20:28

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-03-17 23:10:50

Anyone know of a #macOS equivalent to Solaris/Linux/*BSD ‘getent' for querying the system name resolver (i.e. not just querying unicast DNS)? (And how is this not a #POSIX utility?)
I went as far as writing enough C (~30 lines) to trivially wrap gethostby{addr,name}() some time back but I should r…
2024-03-06 14:01:58

You probably did not know this (I did not until last year), but there is different "flavors" of Cron.
Vixie Cron is most likely the one that you use when you edit crontab. And with the extra functionality that it provides - it has made us Linux-users very spoiled.
2024-02-23 06:53:54

Formal Definitions and Performance Comparison of Consistency Models for Parallel File Systems
Chen Wang, Kathryn Mohror, Marc Snir
2024-04-11 15:21:45

While looking for something, I accidentally dug up my first ::gentoo commit as a developer (I think). It was taking over… app-shells/posh. Yep, the thing that tried hard to be a strict POSIX shell.
2024-04-05 18:45:56

Shitposting as code...
"Generic POSIX printf itself can be Turing complete as shown in Control-Flow Bending. Here we take printf-oriented programming one step further and preset a brainfuck interpreter inside a single printf statement."
2024-04-11 15:21:44

Właśnie szukając czegoś, przypadkiem wygrzebałem mój pierwszy commit w ::gentoo jako dev (a przynajmniej tak sądzę). Było to przejęcie paczki… app-shells/posh. Tak, tego czegoś, co próbowało być powłoką, bardzo ściśle przestrzegającą standardu POSIX.
2024-03-05 20:07:13

"Come to mind the names of violent battles: DR-DOS, Taligent, AmigaOS, Newton OS, Windows for Pen Computing, Copland, Vino, NeXTSTEP, Novell NetWare, JavaOS, BeOS, DoJ vs Microsoft, Rhapsody, POSIX, Linux is communism, Linux is a cancer, Samizdat, Windows Vista, SCO, Symbian, Solaris, OpenSolaris, systemd, Windows Phone, MeeGo, Tizen, Firefox OS, Sailfish OS. Countless mythical man-month hours were lost. Millions of lines of code were fired."
2024-04-05 18:45:56

Shitposting as code...
"Generic POSIX printf itself can be Turing complete as shown in Control-Flow Bending. Here we take printf-oriented programming one step further and preset a brainfuck interpreter inside a single printf statement."
2024-03-08 06:46:58

PUMA: Efficient and Low-Cost Memory Allocation and Alignment Support for Processing-Using-Memory Architectures
Geraldo F. Oliveira, Emanuele G. Esposito, Juan G\'omez-Luna, Onur Mutlu