[ May 2, 2025 - May 3, 2025] Conference or similar: 2025 Mountain-Pacific Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers https://philevents.org/event/show/129066
Google 'Retrofits' Spatial Memory Safety Onto C
Google researchers showed they were able to "retrofit" spatial #safety onto their C #code'bases, and to do it with a surprisingly low impact on #performance
Got a watt meter and measured my amd a4 that I use as a server and 35w when I am doing almost nothing.
Looking at options and the dell wyse 5070 has more performance with less power usage. The amd a4 trully sucks
Just came back from Las Vegas & had a really great time doing everything I wanted to do including everything at Area15. Sure glad I didn't miss any----- WHAT THE @#$% THE CRYSTAL METHOD PERFORMING LIVE GODDAMMIT
Zer erabiltzen duzue #fedibertsoa|n bilatzeko? #fediverse https://fedi-search.com/
Thank you, @… . It's been decades since I thought about DOS Shell.
Our first PC came with MS-DOS 5 and also Windows 3.1. So even then DOS Shell seemed quaint and antiquated. But in a fun way.
«Split Effects with no Content Duplication»
– from @…
✏️ https://frontendmasters.com/blog/split-effects-with-no-co…
To all my #Microsoft employee followers, it's almost time for the annual announcement of the company #UglySweater holiday charity benefit. No idea what they have planned.
Prepare yourselves. 😜