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2024-04-04 15:51:04

OpenAI expands its Custom Model training program with "assisted fine-tuning", letting organizations set up data training pipelines, evaluation systems, and more (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
2024-05-03 16:54:28

Republican weight loss program for hungry kids. Follow the MAGA plan to starve kids to feed billionaires.
2024-04-05 06:52:13

Towards Trustworthy Automated Program Verifiers: Formally Validating Translations into an Intermediate Verification Language (extended version)
Gaurav Parthasarathy, Thibault Dardinier, Benjamin Bonneau, Peter M\"uller, Alexander J. Summers
2024-05-03 17:54:18

Carie Fisher: Empowering #accessibility: GitHub’s journey building an in-house Champions program
2024-05-03 16:25:57

Whistleblower lawyer on Julian Assange extradition: "It would affect publishers, journalists, bloggers, anyone – me and you."
2024-04-04 06:24:02

“The state department has a process in place. And to date … they have not found any incidents where the Israelis have violated international humanitarian law.”
– John Kirby, Whitehouse Spokesman
Who are you going to believe, your eyes and ears or us?
These bastards all belong in the dock at The Hague.
2024-05-02 18:36:49

Big news: We'll have one more reason to celebrate at our May 15 event, the news that Cathay Smith will be joining the #ChicagoKentIP faculty this fall!
If you are (or will be) in Chicago, you can register here by May 8:

The Chicago-Kent Intellectual Property Law Program Invites You To
A Celebration of Chicago-Kent’s IP Tradition and Continued Excellence
Please join us for a program and reception to celebrate Chicago-Kent’s IP Program. We will recognize the contributions of Professor Ed Lee, who will be leaving the Chicago-Kent IP faculty at the end of the academic year. We will also welcome Professors Sarah Burstein and Cathay Smith, who will join the Chicago-Kent IP faculty this summer, and Professor Jord…
2024-03-04 08:33:14

This has been replaced.
2024-03-01 21:56:16

University Of Florida Fires All Diversity Program Staff - Joe.My.God.
2024-04-04 10:10:37

AT&T plans to invest an additional $3B by 2030 to help close the US digital divide, after initially committing $2B by 2024, which helped nearly 5M Americans (Hope King/Axios)