[ April 28, 2025] CFP for publication or other deadline: null https://philevents.org/event/show/127622
"Tiling with Three Polygons is Undecidable"
Erik D. Demaine; Stefan Langerman 17 Sep 2024
We prove that the following problem is co-RE-complete and thus undecidable: given three simple polygons, is there a tiling of the plane where every tile is an isometry of one of the three polygons (either allowing or forbidding reflections)? This result improves on the best previous construction which requires five polygons.
It remains open whether tiling …
#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 04 - Stardrive
AVON: They couldn't. Which means that that one has been fitted with a new form of main drive unit.
ORAC: Which also means that the photonic space drive has been finally perfected by Dr. Plaxton.