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2025-02-27 16:30:43

PSA: Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home? Do you have more than one (think redundancy)? Does it have a fresh battery (or lifetime battery)? Have you tested the alarm function recently?
If you have appliances that may create carbon monoxide, or an attached garage, now is a good time to check all of the above.
2025-01-19 20:41:07
Content warning: Alltags-Rant

was ist manchmal eigentlich los mit anständig aussehenden Leuten an Bahnhöfen? Nicht allzu enger Bahnsteig, einiger, aber nicht chaotischer Reisendenverkehr in mir entgegengesetzter Richtung, ich laufe jenseits des Sicherheitsstreifens ohne weitere Ausweichmöglichkeit, vorhersehbar geradeaus in bewusst gemächlichem Tempo, bleibe für zu einem Anschluss rennende Personen stehen, und trotzdem remple ich auf 50m drei Schultern an von Menschen, die mich für Luft gehalten haben müssen.
2025-01-09 23:46:34

There is a long and storied history of whistles for protection. Ancient Egyptian guards used to place a blade of grass between the thumbs to alert other guards of issues that were transpiring. Later, shells were used to the same end. In China, acorns with holes drilled in them were used similarly.
As a dedicated instrument, whistles have been made of wood, bone, metal, and later, plastics. British bobbies have used whistles to communicate over distances since the 1880s. They are a commonly used tool for boatswains, crossing guards, and referees.
I wish I knew more about rape whistles, but they seem similar in functionality to hikers taking whistles with them in case of injury, as the sound carries much further than yelling, and is much less tiring.
As someone regularly stalked by a large creepy harasser, I am grateful for the whistle I was given for self-protection, even if the creeps who it was given to defend against resent the fuck out of it.
2025-02-04 00:00:50

🚅🚅 Trenitalia France, que recientemente obtuvo permiso para operar sus V3000 #Zefiro en 2⃣ doble composición, recuperarš los servicios París ↔️ Milšn el 1 de Abril
👉 El 15 de Junio, extenderš sus servicios a #Marseille, tal como #Renfe
2025-02-09 07:21:51

EDIT – FEB 5 DIGITALREACH PANEL:The Future of Content Moderation in Southeast Asia
Associate Professor Dr. Aim Sinpeng - Department of Government and International Relations, University of Sydney
Ellen Tordesillas - Co-Founder and President, VERA Files
Septiaji Eko Nugroho - Chairperson, MAFINDO
Ploy Chanprasert - Founder, DigitalReach
2024-12-30 14:22:39

I recently upgraded my CPU and ordered a new CPU cooler without need, since I thought I had just the stock AMD Wraith cooler, which could have some trouble handling a 5700X3D under load.
I think I'll be going forward with that new cooler after all, just because of how neatly arranged its included mounting accessories are.
From Freeze 34 to Thermaltake's Peerless Assassin 120 SE.