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2024-10-26 07:38:10

One of the best versions of Box of Rain imo.(
2024-09-25 08:17:22

Question about #Caddy: Does the acme_server db increase in size until disk saturation or is there a pruning mechanism somewhere to delete expired certificates?
I could not find any option regarding pruning, in the Caddyfile config, nor in the JSON config, and I failed to spot any in the source code...
I have a db file still containing certificates that are several months old. The db file was stored in a volume with very limited size and the db ended up filling it entirely (> 100MB) for 20 ACME clients. Chaos ensued.
#infosec #acme #devops
2024-11-14 15:59:36

#RamseyNasr over wat er de afgelopen dagen in Nederland gebeurd is.
"Antisemitisme bestaat. Het leeft weer op. Maar waar antisemitisme wordt bestreden met racisme, moeten we extra op onze hoede zijn. Daar woedt de ziekte pas echt."
2024-11-08 10:47:54

Series A, Episode 03 - Cygnus Alpha
ZEN: Course and speed confirmed.
AVON: With our speed we'll probably outrun them. This time. But they'll keep coming. Pushing us, tracking us. They'll never give up. B7B2

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "This image is a scene from the British sci-fi television series "Blake's 7." The setting appears to be the interior of a spaceship, with futuristic design elements such as hexagonal patterns and advanced control panels in the background. The two individuals are wearing space-themed costumes, typical of a science fiction genre from that era. The context suggests they are having a serious conversation, possibly discussing a mission or plan aboard the ship."

2024-11-14 08:11:17

"#Trump zelf heeft al aangekondigd op de eerste dag van zijn presidentschap een wet uit te vaardigen om ministeries, #universiteiten en digitale media te kunnen vervolgen wanneer ze betrokken waren bij ‘censuur’. De woorden ‘desinformatie’ en ‘misinformatie’ mogen niet worden gebruikt om polit…
2024-11-08 20:47:50

Series B, Episode 06 - Trial
BLAKE: Yes ... I don't suppose you know how to speed up the timer on a hom- [Sees that Zil is out of earshot] - homing beacon? Yeah. [He straightens up and starts after her. Zil has collapsed.] Zil, what's wrong?
ZIL: Zil is lost. [The ground opens near her. Blake scoops her up and walks off with her.] The Host will take...
2024-11-14 08:57:51

"We have been in #Palestine for twelve years [i.e., since the #Balfour Declaration] without having even once made a serious attempt at seeking through negotiations the consent of the #indigenous peo…
2024-11-12 20:45:32

"De resolutie bevat .. maatregelen om antisemitisme harder te straffen, zoals .. het verbieden van organisaties die oproepen tot een #boycot van #Israël"
"Iemand die Duitser wil worden, moet kunnen aantonen dat hij het bestaansrecht van Israël accepteert.."
".. B…
2024-11-12 19:33:15

"The German newspaper #Bild also used a screenshot from the video with the caption: "The hunt for Jews has broken out again: Arab mob chases soccer fans in #Amsterdam."
#DW Fact check: False
2024-11-11 16:29:00

This is a shout-out to my colleague @…
Bart is a climate scientist with a lot of experience in fight against climate #denialism and post-truth nastiness.
Next to his work at