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2024-03-23 16:53:02

Honestly, I find the decision in #Wine 9.0 to force #HidRaw by default for specific gamepads a very bad one. Apparently, it was done because these devices use "a proprietary HID protocol", and so they full functionality cannot be exposed via XInput. Well, okay. Except that there are two problems.
Firstly, using them via HidRaw requires special device permissions. In #Gentoo, this means installing games-util/game-device-udev-rules. If you don't do that, the controllers simply don't appear at all, and you don't know why. You have to look for answers. Even if you do, I have some doubts about giving extra permissions to stuff.
Secondly, it requires all software to support these gamepads explicitly. I mean, I've tried this with DualShock 4 in two games. In "Saints Row V", the gamepad work but the Y axis would be reversed for no apparent reason. In "A Plague Tale", the gamepad wouldn't be detected at all.
I prefer a gamepad that works over theoretical support for some fancy hidden features. So it's back to XInput for me:
wine reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\winebus" /v "DisableHidraw" /t REG_DWORD /d 1