Chinafake tip: if you visit frequently or have it bookmarked/favorited, you might be able to search it in Safari on iOS by adding "chinafake" before your search query! Try it out!
Basnia – My Only Religion is Love
Bag making in progress. Joining ends to bodies for some tube/duffel shaped purses. Drinking tea, settling into the studio, and getting on with it #handmade #sewing #bagsewing
In this episode of Double Tap, Mike Shebanek tells his story of the creation of VoiceOver and how it led to today when all major consumer operating systems have built-in screen readers.
Someone should make this into a movie.
„Out Changing Climate“ hat ein tolles Video über #organizing gemacht, das die Methode kurz einführt und in erster Linie mit vielen Beispielen wie von #UAW & #endegelaende zum Handeln inspiriert:
@… Aha, I get you now! This is the best thing about proofs (I feel the same way about dependently-typed programming). The more information you can convey in a signature or type, the less you need to look inside.
I'm surprised you say that Go is close to it, though; is this because of culture? I'm sure that Rob Pike shouting “don't do anything cle…
Task Manager with a TUI written in Python
kanban-tui is a customizable task manager in the terminal.
:python: #kanban