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2024-06-16 14:34:03

Phenomenal article here. Worth reading the entire thing
2024-06-16 03:07:54

Well, let's see; that creation order thing would put animals in charge (proving it's a stupid reason to keep women out of pastoral care): “What better way to express our countercultural commitment to the goodness of God’s word than to affirm God’s creation order in relation to the office of pastor?”
**The Southern Baptist Convention vote on IVF: The group’s stance on reproductive technology is only the beginning.**
2024-06-16 00:52:22

Cartoonist Jim Davis sitting next to an oversized Garfield plush wearing a T-shirt that reads "Are we having fun yet?" Is the most artistically obscene thing I have ever seen.

Cartoonist Jim Davis sitting next to an oversized Garfield plush wearing a T-shirt that reads "Are we having fun yet?"
2024-06-16 17:56:14

More Evidence Of A Putin Back Door Deal – Digby's Hullabaloo
2024-06-16 14:51:13

8 things Cowboys must have go right for 2024 include repeat Prescott performance
2024-06-16 17:19:49

In the 1800s tons of men HATED themselves
because they were taught that enjoying masturbation meant they were very bad sexual deviants.
Today exactly the same thing happens when young men realize they're sexually attracted to teenagers (which is 100% normal)
2024-06-18 07:54:26

Did you know there is a report that determines calculation of how much money each local authority can have to run, but that the basis of that calculation isn’t publicly known and the only thing we do know about it is that it is based primarily on the square footage of the county, not the population?
2024-06-18 15:01:09

In this video I look at Putin's proposal about a so-called peace plan, and what it tells us about how he looks at the war. I think the most interesting thing was not the outrageous demands that he made as a precondition to even start negotiations, but that he also reiterated the same war aims as when the invasion began in 2022. In short, Russia's goals with the war haven't changed.
The link is to a blog post with both the video and a transcript.
2024-06-18 12:42:55

A few months ago when Automattic started pushing AI everywhere and did deals with AI companies selling their user's writing I stated (
"Maybe WordPress needs a fork and a new home governed by an entity that does care …
2024-06-17 09:56:28

Musk tweeted a thing
Rahul Gandhi says Electronic Voting Machines are a ‘black box’ that nobody is allowed to scrutinise as Elon Musk raises hacking concerns
2024-06-17 12:18:26

I think part of the issue (besides racism & sexism; those are the biggest problems here) is that people have *different* models of what posting is like. My model has always been "yelling in a public square, which has very different norms than "chatting in a pub." I saw this as the main distinction between Twitter & Facebook back in 2007 or so. However, as social media has morphed from a fringe curiosity to something omnipresent, it probably makes more sense to follow the pub norms by default.
Also, regardless of norms, white men specifically need to learn to respond better to mild social pushback (myself included). Structures of hierarchy including kyrarchy & white supremacism teach that we can demand attention, answers, respect, and deference, even when we give none of those things, plus they intentionally baggage us with a parcel of myths that has us unconsciously enforcing hierarchies beyond the conscious shit we pull.
"Admins are almost exclusively white geeks" is a problem that contributes here, and it's one almost any open-source federated thing will have, but just because it's a better problem than "admins are at the whim of one billionaire and actively encourage thr worst in us for profit," doesn't mean it's not a problem that deserves both technical & social attention.
2024-06-17 14:30:00

"The ever-growing problem of ever-growing codebases"
A somewhat meandering article, and one I feel doesn't meet the expectation the headline set in me. But it does have good examples and anecdotes.

Google Chrome is about 40 million lines, which is in the same ballpark as the Linux kernel these days.

Nobody can read the source code of Chrome. Not alone, not as a team. Humans don't live long enough. Any group that claims to have gone through the code and de-Googlized it is lying: all that's possible to do is some searches, and try to measure what traffic it emits. A thousand people working for a decade couldn't read the entire thing.
2024-06-17 14:51:55

Las Vegas Raiders' new defensive tackle Christian Wilkins is in awe every day watching Maxx Crosby
2024-06-17 13:43:13

Oooh, ooh, ooh… look what just arrived! I’ve been waiting almost a year for it and boy was it worth the wait. My new Linux laptop is a… tablet? Yep. The StarLabs StarLite.
Oh and the screen on this thing! 😍

A box for a rectangular object that looks like a tablet.
Sideways view of box showing a wireframe in silver of the side of the tablet that’s in it with power and volume buttons showing, as well as a camera protruding from the bottom.
A rectangular object wrapped in a blue case with the StarLabs logo (a three point star with three additional, disjointed arms/points).
A white hand holding a tablet in portrait orientation with my web site ( on it. In the background is a desk, a stack of laptops, a leg wearing jeans, and a lego keyboard, partially visible.
2024-08-04 08:29:27

Yesterday I went for a second walk, just to nip up to the top of Whiteside (700m). I knew I was over-doing it. But it'll be fine, right? I've done this sort of thing many times.
Well, this morning I can confirm that I'm not as young as I used to be. I can barely stand up. Putting a brave face on it so my wife won't ground me. But a gentle walk around the lake today, I think.

Crummock Water and Mellbreak. A view from high up of the lake with fells all around. Patches of sunlight pick out the small green fields, whilst the brown fells loom on the shore. Broken clouds are not yet threatening rain, but there is promise there.
2024-06-18 16:29:03

“The Fremen were supreme in that quality the ancients called the Marshmallow Test -- which is the self-imposed delay between desire for a thing and the act of reaching out to grasp that thing.” -- #Dune (well, sort of)
2024-06-18 23:59:20
Content warning:

Israel is literally dropping bombs on refugee camps. This is why that's actually a good thing for the Palestinians who are being bombed -

Claude is fully capable of acting as a Supreme Court Justice right now.
When used as a law clerk, Claude is easily as insightful and accurate as human clerks, while towering over humans in efficiency.
Let’s start with the easiest thing I asked Claude to do:
adjudicate Supreme Court cases.
Claude consistently decides cases correctly.
When it gets the case “wrong”
—meaning, decides it differently from how the Supreme Court decided it
—its disposition …
2024-06-17 10:32:00

It’s fitting that my ADHD medicine alarms are Mr. Rogers singing “it’s a good feeling”. He reminds me that I’m special and being me is the best thing I can be. :)
2024-06-18 03:58:58

star wars nerd
sure, sure, Mortis gods, yada yada Ashla/Bogan,
you might know about the father, daughter, son,
but how about Abeloth, and their desire like Yzma in emperor's new groove seeking to maintain her imortality?
the one that, like the Avatar / legend of korra thing, would be imprisoned by Centerpoint station and Sinkhole station, repeatedly escaping whenever time would reverse (and be re-imprisoned), but then the Ones died and then Abeloth escapes and turns young Jedi into sleeper agents?
basically what I'm saying is Kronk's kevin-bacon number to emperor Palpatine is like, in the low fours.
2024-06-18 18:04:23

This is the kind of thing that the D-party should be advocating rather than quietly murmuring about firearms in ways to avoid annoying gun nut absolutists.
California Becomes First State in America to Call for Constitutional Convention on Right to Safety
2024-06-17 18:04:58

Anyone out there using or familiar VSCode? I have a few web developers using VSCode, and when the edit a site, it screws with all the directory/file permissions on the Linux host. Not sure what to do about that... I could rant about whatever stupid php daemon its launching too but that seems like me being an old angry man, the file permission thing is a real problem.
2024-06-17 01:34:45 interesting. Haven't heard of Ultramarine Linux - I'll look into it.
Honestly the only reason I suggest Linux Mint is that I have literally never had to debug a problem with it. I installed it once years ago on this shoddy Lenovo netbook type thing and had 0 problems whatsoever.
Could just be that people have been using & suggesting Linux Mint for so long it's become the defacto standard despite being antiquated?
2024-06-18 13:46:04
Content warning: Former Bird Site mention

Damn I went to Former Bird Site just to cross-post one thing, nothing else, and I already found issues. Can't even update my display name (not username) more than once a week now apparently? That place is a ridiculous joke.
2024-07-26 12:14:34

The thing I love about Cambridge is that you can get right up to the stage so easily.
#BethAtwell #CFF24 #folk

Beth Atwell playing stage one, from pretty close in. She's looking very chill with a lime green semi acoustic and four band members.
2024-06-18 18:04:23

This is the kind of thing that the D-party should be advocating rather than quietly murmuring about firearms in ways to avoid annoying gun nut absolutists.
California Becomes First State in America to Call for Constitutional Convention on Right to Safety