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2024-05-04 19:42:02

2022 retro-link! - Covid-19 will never become endemic.
2024-05-04 14:38:56

Still only on a feature branch, but over the past few days I've been working on updating to add support for polygons with holes and paths with holes (or more generally support for sub-paths, e.g. multiple curves). Since both of these shape types are containers of multiple geometries and …

Screenshot of the linked example project, showing a star polygon undergoing a series of transformations, like iterative subdivision, shape reconstruction using cubic beziers, point sampling (grid based, random, poisson disk sampling with varying density based on proximity to shape boundary...)
2024-06-05 19:01:44

Andre James Still New to Playing Center
2024-04-03 17:48:14

Quick tip: be careful when using the newer #CSS viewport-percentage length units like `svh`, `dvh`, and the like. They are well-supported since late 2022 and quite a few users might still be using older (Android) devices and browsers. So always make sure to test on a few real devices (thanks to my parents in law for their Galaxy Tab 4 😁) and provide fallbacks, e.g. with `vh`.
2024-04-04 11:10:54

A local archeologist reached out for me last year after a spectacular find to assist him with my metal detector to find fragments of a very rare bronze age vessel (situla).
Today we finally managed to start the project with 2hrs on a field. And we actually found a big edge piece of the situla (and maybe a fragment of a fibula). Can't wait for the next attempt to find more fragments!
Always feels good to help my local archeologists :-)
2024-06-05 20:32:07

So, letting the NWS alert updater run it looks like I'll need to do a few things:
- Work on the map generation code as the zoom level still isn't 100% where it needs to be.
- Add filtering with respect to topic (e.g. Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, High Wind, etc).
2024-04-04 03:36:10

OK, first question: Was anyone wearing a Dali mask and a red jumpsuit?
2024-06-04 09:08:46

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-02 21:34:54

Russia's Kharkiv offensive is starting to backfire. Essentially Putin forced Biden's hand in allowing Ukraine to strike inside Russia with American weapons, and now that is creating significant problems for the Russians.
That is the topic in my latest video. Here is a link to my blog post about it where you can find both the video and a transcript.
2024-06-02 21:34:54

Russia's Kharkiv offensive is starting to backfire. Essentially Putin forced Biden's hand in allowing Ukraine to strike inside Russia with American weapons, and now that is creating significant problems for the Russians.
That is the topic in my latest video. Here is a link to my blog post about it where you can find both the video and a transcript.