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2024-03-30 11:10:23

Rescued baby hedgehog turns out to be hat bobble
2024-05-28 11:56:44 @… @… I'm sorry, I'm muting you now. I believe you're well intentioned, but I'm very certain you're doing real harm, and I'm not going to engage with you further.
2024-03-27 15:03:14

Your levity for the day...
2024-04-17 10:16:40

Best way to invite your friends to #ActivityPub? Do not greet them with helpful specifics. Let them swim or let them stew, and watch from afar. Otherwise your well-intentioned suggestions will turn into "they have so many f*cking rules," and "why is it A instead of B, wah-wah-wah, what does it even mean," even though you've told them exactly what it means šŸ˜€ Jā€¦