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2024-11-28 12:59:10

[ April 28, 2025] CFP for publication or other deadline: null
2024-11-14 23:19:20

Article on media treatment of people with disabilities after the ADA was enacted in 1990.
A quote from the article:
"In the mind of the public and the media, there are 'legitimate' and 'worthy' disabilities, usually those visible to the naked eye, such as mobility impairments and blindness. At the other end of the spectrum, there are the 'undeserving disabled,' people who are thought to be to blame for their conditions."
2025-01-14 15:19:08

Well doesn't this look interesting: #MPSGöttingen's renowned dynamo experts Manfred Schüssler and Robert Cameron together with Paul Charbonneau, Masumi Dikpati, Hideyuki Hotta, Leonid Kitchatinov have edited the new Space Sciences series of ISSI #book
"Solar and Stellar Dy…

A bookcover: 
Space Sciences series of ISSI
Solar and Stellar Dynamos - A new era
Manfred Schüssler, Robert Cameron, Paul Charbonneau, Masumi Dikpati, Hideyuki Hotta, Leonid Kitchatinov

On a light blue background, the above is set in white text, with the title and the editor list separated by an illustration of two stellar spheres with complex magnetic field lines drawn around them set against a black image background
2024-12-13 03:04:17

Today was a nice day

  • I got a 10 out of 10 on my Physics test (relativity)
  • I made some tasty desserts (I’ll post some pics tomorrow, the ice cream wasn’t entirely frozen yet today so the pic wasn’t pretty)
  • WITCHER 4 WITH CIRI!! :blobcataww: :neocat_flag_lesbian: :ablobcatbongo:
2025-01-19 10:26:33

>If this is the way to superintelligence, it remai
2024-11-21 02:45:39

#A11y #Accessibility

An old advertisement for Coca Cola. A hand holds a glass bottle surrounded by the words "I'd like to buy the world a Coke." However, some of the words have been crudely superimposed by new text. Now it reads "I'd like to take away the world's mouse so they have to test their own website with a keyboard."
2024-12-15 02:43:00

@… updated his browser extension "Social Visual Alt Text" to add Bluesky support.
I install this addon whenever I can to quickly see what alt text people have written on Mastodon.
Go get it for Firefox or Chrome: