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2024-06-01 14:36:25

Si le dernier plan de l’Administration Biden fonctionne, les Palestinien·ne·s de gaza vont pouvoir retourner dans leurs habitations. Pour ce qu’il doit en rester. Quel gâchis! Tout ça parce que les extrémistes des deux côtés mènent le bal. Misère.…
2024-04-03 08:39:46

This has been replaced.
2024-04-02 03:25:41

"At least two dozen countries worldwide have already made the sensible transition to some form of automatic tax filing, not necessarily just for low-income citizens, but in many cases for everyone. The UK, Japan, Australia, Denmark, Chile, and Portugal have implemented some version of an automated, digital tax system, and none of them have turned back."
How the tax industry is keeping automatic filing out of reach – Canadian Dimension
2024-04-04 17:57:52

#WordWeavers April 4: Is there writing advice you used to follow but changed your mind?
Not that I can recall. I don't consciously follow other people's advice while I write, which means I can't exactly stop following it.
2024-05-02 08:26:35

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-04 07:17:30

Distributed Ranges: A Model for Distributed Data Structures, Algorithms, and Views
Benjamin Brock, Robert Cohn, Suyash Bakshi, Tuomas Karna, Jeongnim Kim, Mateusz Nowak, {\L}ukasz \'Slusarczyk, Kacper Stefanski, Timothy G. Mattson
2024-05-31 16:03:40

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, “The fact that a de facto elimination of political rivals by all possible legal and illegal means is going on there is obvious.”
Illustration du proverbe «les ennemis de nos ennemis sont nos amis».
2024-03-29 07:11:52

Latest on my website: While searching for a local aviation pioneer, I found an archive of newspaper photos from my home town. Some of my favourites reveal the lifestyle of the day, and the things the local paper thought were important.
2024-04-22 22:20:30

The secret to writing papers appears to be a secret stash of chocolate that is only allowed to be eaten while writing papers late in the evening when the rest of the family is in bed. It's amazing the motivation it supplies.
2024-03-31 20:32:50

Writing this month's #GitHub sponsors update while watching The Cup Head Show on the side:
(It includes a blog post preview 😎 .)<…
2024-03-21 16:46:18

Source: Microsoft agreed to pay Inflection ~$650M when hiring its staff, mostly via a licensing deal that makes Inflection's models available for sale on Azure (The Information)
2024-03-29 07:11:52

Latest on my website: While searching for a local aviation pioneer, I found an archive of newspaper photos from my home town. Some of my favourites reveal the lifestyle of the day, and the things the local paper thought were important.
2024-05-27 20:00:33

Various – Rodney On The ROQ Vol. III
Posh Boy Records, 1982
I think this was like my 5th album purchase ever (first was Talking Heads’ “Speaking In Tongues”). I found a lot of cool music while listening to Rodney’s show every Sunday night. I got vol 3 first because it had my most sought after tracks, like Unit 3 and Venus, and the Bangles’ “Bitchin Summer” (hard to find for years!).

Front cover of album jacket. Image of school girls in a classroom. One is reading, the other listening to music on headphones, and the other is on the teachers's desk applying lipstick. There's a man who is writing on a greenish chalk board "Vol III Rodney On the Roq"

Black vinyl disc with gray label showing the Posh Boy records logo and track listing and credits
Back cover is bright, Peechee yellow with track listing on a piece of white ruled paper. 

Black vinyl disc with gray label showing the Posh Boy records logo and track listing and credits
2024-03-26 17:21:55

I'm using LLM since Friday to help me writing a Visual Basic macro. I have 0 knowledge of VBA and Word API in the same time.
While I think I'd be much more efficient having a pair programming with someone who actually knows this technology, still LLM is a nice kick starter for terra-incognita places where I have no clue how to start, where to look and what I need.
Happy to have this tech.
2024-04-03 08:39:43

This has been replaced.
2024-04-20 01:32:49

"Prison labor is big business in the United States. According to a 2022 ACLU report, Captive Labor: Exploitation of Incarcerated Workers, incarcerated workers save prisons more than $9 billion a year in operational costs and earn them more than $2 billion in sales of goods and services, while the prisoners make pennies per hour."
2024-03-17 20:15:32

Ugh, while shaving just now, I heard my wife's Windows computer (she's doing academic writing) making insipid incidental noises. One of the worst things about Microsoft's aesthetic is its relentless blandness. It's the 'easy listening music' of computing. Yuck.
2024-05-21 10:53:18

> git annex assist
symlinkPointsToGitDir: symlink target points to git dir
remote: fatal: fsck error in pack objects
error: remote unpack failed: unpack-objects abnormal exit
IIUC, :git: #git implemented something that uselessly breaks :gitannex: #gitAnnex / :datala…
2024-03-10 02:43:36

@… please add a warning and offer to save as draft if while you’re writing a reply the original post gets deleted or becomes otherwise unavailable to reply to
2024-05-17 18:06:59

While I was in the SPA yesterday I also finished my blog post about litter in the #mountains and cleaning up the trails.
Today my wife even said that she liked me writing about the topic, because it illustrates exactly what I try to transport all the time: "Love it, Change it or Leave it" & invest energy into positive change instead of just rage.
And keep in mind: It&…
2024-05-31 07:27:50

Designing Prompt Analytics Dashboards to Analyze Student-ChatGPT Interactions in EFL Writing
Minsun Kim, SeonGyeom Kim, Suyoun Lee, Yoosang Yoon, Junho Myung, Haneul Yoo, Hyungseung Lim, Jieun Han, Yoonsu Kim, So-Yeon Ahn, Juho Kim, Alice Oh, Hwajung Hong, Tak Yeon Lee

While some cultures use psychedelic plant medicines to access visions or guidance, the Haida have other tools.
“We don't have any psychedelics up in Haida,” Giihlgiigaa said. “We have mushrooms, but they were never used in ceremony. There's no stories of them being used in ceremony.”
“We have a different way of attaining that dream state,” he said.
“For one, everyone knew it was very common to have dreams, but not everyone dreamt every day because people had to get wor…
2024-03-08 15:51:26

Does anyone actually have time to read these author blogs that everyone says we are supposed to have? Are there actually readers out there interested in how many words I wrote yesterday and what flavor of tea I drink while writing and where I like to eat lunch and how many times my cat barfed on the carpet and...
I think the whole thing is someone's idea of a practical joke on writers. :catto:
2024-03-10 22:43:33
Content warning:

#WritersCoffeeClub 10 March: Do you want to write full time or are you happy for it to be a hobby?
I did it full time for a while, then had to get back into employment because the rates were just too fucking low. I worked towards going back to writing full time for a few years but Twitter was my most important platform and now my reach is gone so I can kiss that goal goodbye.
2024-03-22 02:30:10

Eric Liu, a former content moderator for Weibo, says that while online witch-hunts are nothing new, “recently it has reached a level that surprised people”. 
2024-03-09 18:58:28

While I sincerely value how my #neurodivergent brain so deeply & fully engages with anything I encounter...
...sometimes I REALLY envy the ability to engage with many things simultaneously on a surface level
(Like, for example, be able to stay semi-active on Mastodon while writing a research-intensive article instead of having to ghost out entirely in order to focus 🙃)
2024-04-11 16:13:58

From the vault...
The quote below is usually attributed to Einstein:
“Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and smart. [Together they are powerful beyond imagination.]”
But it's real origin is quite different. Read here (09/2021):

"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. On the other hand, a well trained operator as com- pared with a computer is incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant."

Herbert D. Couture, Jr. & Marion A. Keyes
2024-03-16 21:38:16

I haven't edited any #PHP code for a while so I didn't know that #SublimeText recognises you're writing comment blocks with "ASCII art" borders and it will place a new asterisk for you automatically whenever you press return.

screen recording of Sublime Text starting a comment block:
 * nice
2024-03-22 02:30:10

Eric Liu, a former content moderator for Weibo, says that while online witch-hunts are nothing new, “recently it has reached a level that surprised people”. 
2024-03-19 07:20:23

Enhancing Hokkien Dual Translation by Exploring and Standardizing of Four Writing Systems
Bo-Han Lu, Yi-Hsuan Lin, En-Shiun Annie Lee, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai

While some cultures use psychedelic plant medicines to access visions or guidance, the Haida have other tools.
“We don't have any psychedelics up in Haida,” Giihlgiigaa said. “We have mushrooms, but they were never used in ceremony. There's no stories of them being used in ceremony.”
“We have a different way of attaining that dream state,” he said.
“For one, everyone knew it was very common to have dreams, but not everyone dreamt every day because people had to get wor…
2024-03-11 18:25:21

Report: Dallas Cowboys Eyeing Star Replacement for RB Tony Pollard
2024-03-21 06:48:40

CheckMate: Evaluating Checkpointing Protocols for Streaming Dataflows
George Siachamis, Kyriakos Psarakis, Marios Fragkoulis, Arie van Deursen, Paris Carbone, Asterios Katsifodimos
2024-03-11 07:06:18

Technology-assisted Journal Writing for Improving Student Mental Wellbeing: Humanoid Robot vs. Voice Assistant
Batuhan Sayis, Hatice Gunes
2024-03-21 06:48:40

CheckMate: Evaluating Checkpointing Protocols for Streaming Dataflows
George Siachamis, Kyriakos Psarakis, Marios Fragkoulis, Arie van Deursen, Paris Carbone, Asterios Katsifodimos
2024-03-11 07:18:41

CommitBench: A Benchmark for Commit Message Generation
Maximilian Schall, Tamara Czinczoll, Gerard de Melo
2024-04-17 04:41:01

Quite a good comment on #AI-generated code:
First of all, writing code is considerably easier than reviewing code. With LLMs you can hope to automate the easy bit while making the hard bit harder because there is nobody to ask why they chose to do X two months ago. Also, there will be either zero documentation, unintelligible documentation, or plain wrong documentation.
#LLM #GPT #ChatGPT #Copilot
2024-03-11 07:18:41

CommitBench: A Benchmark for Commit Message Generation
Maximilian Schall, Tamara Czinczoll, Gerard de Melo