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2024-04-18 01:56:14

2024-04-22 22:15:37

Back on Thanksgiving Day, we were cursed.
A 10” dead branch from high up in one of our 80-year-old maples broke off in a storm and came down squarely across the middle of a section of side railing of Kyle’s wheelchair ramp. It bounced the whole ramp slightly out of whack, but nothing else was actually visibly bent or broken and aside from a 3/4" gap/bump was no worse than we navigate on sidewalks...
2024-04-22 22:15:37

Back on Thanksgiving Day, we were cursed.
A 10” dead branch from high up in one of our 80-year-old maples broke off in a storm and came down squarely across the middle of a section of side railing of Kyle’s wheelchair ramp. It bounced the whole ramp slightly out of whack, but nothing else was actually visibly bent or broken and aside from a 3/4" gap/bump was no worse than we navigate on sidewalks...
2024-05-21 17:19:04

Welp shit - looks like AI enshittification has come even to the lowly terminal. #FML #AI #Enshittification #OpenSource

Screenshot of one of the “what’s new” informational boxes in iTerm v3.5.0, describing a “Codecierge” AI powered feature that will allegedly help the user to “write commands or guide you step by step through complex workflows”.
2024-03-30 15:00:41

I think I need a new computer.
My old iMac is blinking a question mark. I managed to get net restore to get me to “-1005F” which is not what one wants a Mac to say when trying to net restore.
I’m glad I have my laptop as a fallback, but it has only 1/4 of the iMac's display real estate so it's annoying.
2024-06-03 18:15:42
Content warning: CW: realistic sculpture depiction of a spider

In case anyone’s wondering how effective #Facebook’s #advertising algorithm is, I’m an arachnophobe. #fml

A sponsored ad on Facebook from Coppertist.Wu, featuring several shots of a ring fashioned to resemble the face of a jumping spider, complete with a hairy surface texture and huge, glossy black eyes.