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2024-04-05 00:02:23

Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars: evolution of a masterpiece
I was surprised to learn that Rocket League was actually a sequel to a PS3 game by Psyonix called Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars. With such a catchy title, it's hard to see why it never took off to the same extent as Rocket League did. Having said that, apparently it was downloaded on PSN over two million times, so if anything it just goes to show how I don't keep up with…
2024-04-30 19:51:07

This morning, I opened a PDF to find Adobe Acrobat giving me an AI-generated summary of it. That led to a rabbit hole of finding all the places Acrobat’s AI Assistant has to be turned off. Here they are:
2024-04-01 14:31:13
Content warning: Rant on "🚀", design request

I'm allergic to the 🚀 (rocket) emoji used as symbol of progress, coolness.
A massive concentrated release of energy¹ is a luxury, a sacrifice. Burning our past and future for a brief joy fuels the #ClimateCrisis and authoritarianism (control over such resources isn't egalitarian).
THEREFORE, create a font where it's replaced by a humane force multiplier, like:
* shoul…

This rant brought to you by me being an ungrateful hypercritic while trying out the lovely phanpy, which happens to use a rocket icon as boost button.
"2014 Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships, 10th-12 July, Levallois-Perret, France. Finals : women's group. Australia.

Photo by Pierre-Yves Beaudouin (Pyb), 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0.

There are probably better examples of artistic gymnastic and even yoga poses representing the same ideas (trio pike hold? shoulder stand?), but I don't know the terminology well enough to find them.
Barn raising in Germany, 1958.

Photo Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-54263-0002 / CC-BY-SA.

Original historic description: 

Kleinkramm, LPG, Bau eines Stalls

Zentralbild Weiß-5.4.1958 Weiß-L-Weitere zwei Offenställe durch eingesparte Mittel-Bis zum V. Parteitag der SED werden im Kreis Ludwigslust sieben Offenställe vom Typ "Brandenburg" für je 60 Milchkühe und neun Offenställe vom Typ "Goldenstädt" für je 75 Jungrinder gebaut. Die dabei durch zusätzliche Leistungen der Bevölkerung und de…
Bicycle hub gear. Image by AndrewDressel, 2011, CC BY-SA 3.0.
2024-03-26 13:59:43

Just one more damn aggravating thing (in a very long list) about getting old that sucks: Every once in a while I'll be sitting in my chair reading a book or scrolling here and out of nowhere a blop of saliva goes "down the wrong pipe" and I spend the next five to ten minutes coughing my lungs out.

It's good to work again. I was never a champion. Let alone 4 times. But I tore a rotator cuff re-building my fence four years ago, and I'm still re-habbing every day. Be good to yourself. (Saber fencing looks incredibly hard!)
2024-03-18 21:36:03

Regardless what you think of "Web3" and DAOs, it's interesting to read about the new legal form Wyoming just created.
2024-04-25 15:54:20

Wenn jetzt das oberste Gericht in USA die absolute Immunität des Präsidenten festlegen würde, dann könnte Biden am Wochenende die Diktatur ausrufen. Ob sich die MAGAner wohl dessen bewusst sind?

Trump gets the nasty laughs he seeks at someone else’s expense, especially when he sneers at a person’s physical limitations.
People who behaved that way were once scorned. Now they become the Republican nominee for president.
There are few among us who don’t know how it feels to be the butt of a joke.
That includes Trump’s supporters.
But with their always aggrieved state of mind, they have anointed Trump as a strongman who allows them to belittle those they see as …
2024-03-26 20:49:51

We live in Mike Judge’s discarded first draft of Idiocracy.
2024-04-01 06:53:53

Vision-Language Synthetic Data Enhances Echocardiography Downstream Tasks
Pooria Ashrafian, Milad Yazdani, Moein Heidari, Dena Shahriari, Ilker Hacihaliloglu