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2024-05-26 13:45:26

Let down by sport again 😭
The Saturday Paper Quiz No. 501
I got 8/10!
2024-05-26 13:03:03

Time for a story.
It was a few years ago, before the 354 railway line was renovated on the #Poznań#Piła section (or maybe during the renovation?). The time needed for a train to pass that distance was long enough that — given a good change — you could instead take a train to Krzyż, and change to Poznań there (using lines 203 351), and I've loved using that option when it meant I ended up being home at roughly the same time.
That day I was going to Poznań from someplace behind Piła, using Kołobrzeg — Poznań train. I didn't change to Krzyż, because it would mean being late for my change in Poznań, and getting home a bit later. Just a few minutes after leaving Piła, the train conductor came and announced that a "rail cracked" in Budzyń, and we will have to change into buses. I answered in a disheartened voice: "Why didn't you tell us before Piła? I would have changed into the Krzyż-bound train!"
So we've reached Budzyń, and we waited… because, as it turned out, the bus had to arrive from Piła. I think it took us to Rogoźno, where the next train was waiting for us. Overall, I think we've lost around 2 hours on that, or perhaps more.
If I took the Krzyż-bound train, I would have lost maybe half an hour… But these were the old days. Today, the trains from Piła reach Poznań much faster, and Krzyż rarely offers good changes.
2024-04-26 05:14:22

Noch einige der zuletzt hier besonders häufig geteilten #News:
Cisco: Angreifer plazieren mithilfe neuer 0-Day-Lücke Hintertüren auf Firewalls
2024-05-27 11:45:38 of the top 20 education apps in the US App Store, five are AI agents that help with school assignments, the two most popular of which are Chinese-owned (Rita Liao/TechCrunch)
2024-04-27 09:46:03

Pas peut fier de moi - Proud of myself.
20k quest answered in #streetcomplete
Vingt mille quêtes !!!
#osm #opendata

Screenshot of 20k.
Ive mostly worked in France, flags of countries I did streetcomplete usa France sapin greece NL ne Germany canada uk
Quest I answered grouped by how many
2024-04-26 18:52:14

#ActivityPub specs a universe with only the questions that don't have answers

From the Activity Pub Spec

3.1 Activity Types

All Activity Types inherit the properties of the base Activity type. Some specific Activity Types are subtypes or specializations of more generalized Activity Types (for instance, the Invite Activity Type is a more specific form of the Offer Activity Type).

The Activity Types include:

2024-05-26 11:43:51

Today's peace efforts of #Hamas consist of firing ballistic missiles at #TelAviv in return for the resumption of aid deliveries via the #KeremShalom border crossing.
🔗 🇩🇪
2024-05-26 06:19:26

Modern #AI text generators create randomized output with no prior planning. They resist to be quality-checked by tools and processes established in the software industry.
Given this, the results are amazing. However, companies are selling the idea that these assistants will do quality checking themselves soon™.
This is mass delusion. But hey, the perks for managers/investors are worthwhi…

Gary Marcus, an AI expert and an emeritus professor of neural science at New York University, told The Verge that a lot of AI companies are “selling dreams” that this tech will go from 80 percent correct to 100 percent. Achieving the initial 80 percent is relatively straightforward since it involves approximating a large amount of human data, Marcus said, but the final 20 percent is extremely challenging. In fact, Marcus thinks that last 20 percent might be the hardest thing of all.

“You act…
2024-04-26 23:13:34

Public policy and health in the Trump era via The Lancet
“Trump exploited low and middle-income white people's anger over their deteriorating life prospects to mobilise racial animus and xenophobia and enlist their support for policies that benefit high-income people and corporations and threaten health.”

Text Shot: Trump exploited low and middle-income white people's anger over their deteriorating life prospects to mobilise racial animus and xenophobia and enlist their support for policies that benefit high-income people and corporations and threaten health.
2024-04-26 08:38:00

Globales Super-Wahljahr: Google befürchtet Manipulationen und Desinformation
Weltweit sind über zwei Milliarden Menschen zum Gang an die Wahlurne aufgerufen. Cyberkrieger werden Wahlen und Wähler angreifen, so die Google-Analyse.