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2024-05-04 16:43:34

@… How do we achieve that? People much smarter than me have failed to answer that question.
But at the root of the matter, I think democracy is part of the answer. As messy and inefficient as it is compared to central planning, we have to make sure the whole populace has a say, an equal say.
In that sense, I think democracy and communism are cl…
2024-05-02 13:25:51

Nog zo’n doemscenario dat zo hard door de BBBende van vier ontkend zal worden dat het wel wššr moet zijn.
2024-05-01 07:42:29

Good news and bad news for users if #logseq:
They're working on a DB version in parallel that will provide better scalability, performance and realtime #collaboration (#RTC). They'll charge for RTC.…
2024-03-31 15:36:47

"Donald #Trump did create one massively successful business in his lifetime: an email business designed to convince lower- and middle-class angry white #voters to pour their payroll, social security, and disability checks into his bank account. Even that con is falling apart..."
2024-05-02 19:10:04

Dak Prescott Provides Update On Contract Talks
2024-05-28 23:38:20

🎬 Hollywood might finally start making mid-budget movies again soon
2024-04-27 15:47:38

Every time I see folk complaining about the quality of #AI output I remind myself that there is a certain base level of intellect needed to meaningfully discuss any answer in an informed way, and so the opinion is coming from someone who is usually of above average intelligence and can evaluate answers effectively.
I balance that by thinking about the people in bars and on social media who will te…
2024-04-25 18:56:42

"I hope you don’t mind me asking but what keeps you coming back to #Emacs? I am currently wondering whether to look at #Neovim again - it does seem to be faster and with a strong community around it."
Protesilaos Stavrou answered: